
title: "Simulating Power" author: "Jeffrey Hughes" date: "2016-05-01" output: rmarkdown::html_vignette: smart: false vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{Simulating Power} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} %\VignetteEncoding{UTF-8}

Simulating Power with the simulateR Package

For simple statistical models (e.g., t-test, correlation), calculating the estimated power can be done analytically (for example, one can use the pwr package). But for more complex models, it is difficult to provide a good estimate of power without the use of simulation. Simulations repeatedly generate random data based on one's predefined model, then analyze each data set and count the proportion of results that are significant. That proportion is the estimated power for the model.

The simulateR package makes this process simple by providing a general-purpose, flexible function to perform simulations. You simply create a function that generates the data and analyses you want, and then use simulate() to run your user-defined function repeatedly and collate the results. The simulate() function also allows you to easily run simulations while varying particular parameters, so you can test the sensitivity of your analyses or how these parameters change the results.

Example: Simulating a t-test with simulateR

If we wanted to estimate the power for a two-sample t-test, we could calculate it analytically using the pwr package:

pwr.t.test(n=50, d=.5, type='two.sample')
#>      Two-sample t test power calculation 
#>               n = 50
#>               d = 0.5
#>       sig.level = 0.05
#>           power = 0.6968934
#>     alternative = two.sided
#> NOTE: n is number in *each* group

We can see that the estimated power when Cohen's d = .50 and n = 50 per cell is approximately .70. Simulating power in this simple case is likely overkill, but this example will demonstrate that simulations provide comparable results, at least for this model.


# create user-defined function to generate and analyze data
t_func <- function(simNum, N, d) {
    x1 <- rnorm(N, 0, 1)
    x2 <- rnorm(N, d, 1)

    t <- t.test(x1, x2, var.equal=TRUE)  # run t-test on generated data
    stat <- t$statistic
    p <- t$p.value

    return(c(t=stat, p=p, sig=(p < .05)))
        # return a named vector with the results we want to keep

power_ttest <- simulate(t_func, n.sims=5000, N=50, d=.5)  # simulate data
#> Running 5,000 simulations...
summary(power_ttest, 'sig')  # get mean (proportion) of significant results
#> [1] 0.7024

We first create a function that simulates normally distributed data for two groups, and performs a t-test. The t statistic and p-value are then returned as a named vector, along with a boolean value determining whether the test is significant or not. Finally, we use the simulate function to perform 5000 simulations, and then summarize the 'sig' value, which (by default) calculates the mean, giving us the proportion of simulations that were significant. This number agrees very closely with the analytic solution above.

Varying parameters

A key feature of simulate is the ability to easily vary parameters. For example, using the same t-test simulation as above:

power_ttest_vary <- simulate(t_func, params=list(N=c(25, 50, 100)),
    n.sims=5000, d=.5)
#> Running 15,000 simulations...
    # give 'params' a list of parameters we want to vary;
    # testing at N=25, N=50, and N=100
summary(power_ttest_vary, 'sig')
#>     N   mean
#> 1  25 0.4020
#> 2  50 0.7032
#> 3 100 0.9402

We were easily able to run simuations for three different sample sizes: 25 per cell, 50 per cell, and 100 per cell. The summary() function shows us the proportion of simulations that were significant for each sample size. Clearly, power increases as N increases. If we wanted to vary across two separate parameters, that is easy to do as well:

power_ttest_vary2 <- simulate(t_func, params=list(N=c(25, 50, 100), d=c(.2, .5)),
#> Running 30,000 simulations...
    # varying N and Cohen's d
summary(power_ttest_vary2, 'sig')
#>     N   d   mean
#> 1  25 0.2 0.0980
#> 2  50 0.2 0.1708
#> 3 100 0.2 0.2976
#> 4  25 0.5 0.4090
#> 5  50 0.5 0.7044
#> 6 100 0.5 0.9364

Note that simulate will fully cross all parameters: the three sample sizes are tested at d = .2, and at d = .5. So be careful when adding new parameters, as this can greatly increase the total number of simulations to be run!

Parallel processing

In order to cut down on the time taken to run simulations, simulate supports parallel processing via the parallel package. If your system has multiple processor cores or supports multithreading, you can incorporate this into your function call:

# time with no parallel processing (your mileage may very greatly)
system.time(power_ttest_vary3 <- simulate(t_func,
    params=list(N=c(25, 50, 100), d=c(.2, .5)), n.sims=5000))
#> Running 30,000 simulations...
#>    user  system elapsed 
#>   21.58    0.01   23.97

# using parallel processing; I am using a Windows system, so I use parallel='snow';
# see the documentation for the 'parallel' package for more details
system.time(power_ttest_vary4 <- simulate(t_func,
    params=list(N=c(25, 50, 100), d=c(.2, .5)), n.sims=5000, parallel='snow', ncpus=4))
#> Running 30,000 simulations...
#>    user  system elapsed 
#>    2.48    0.15   14.98


The simulate() function was created to handle simulations that involve generating random data. However, if you have data that you want to randomly sample from, you can use the bootstrapping feature, which relies on the boot package:

# user function must take data and indices as first two arguments; see 'boot'
# package documentation for more details
t_func_boot <- function(data, indices) {
    sample_data <- data[indices, ]
    treatGroup <- sample_data[sample_data$group == 'trt2', 'weight']
    ctrlGroup <- sample_data[sample_data$group == 'ctrl', 'weight']

    t <- t.test(treatGroup, ctrlGroup, var.equal=TRUE)
    stat <- t$statistic
    p <- t$p.value

    return(c(t=stat, p=p, sig=(p < .05)))

# example using built-in dataset PlantGrowth
power_ttest_boot <- simulate(t_func_boot, n.sims=5000, boot=TRUE,
#> Running 5,000 simulations...
summary(power_ttest_boot, 'sig')
#> [1] 0.5376

Sample code for various statistical models

Linear models

We can use simulate to calculate the power for a particular coefficient in a linear model:

lm_test <- function(simNum, N, b1, b0=0, xm=0, xsd=1) {
    x <- rnorm(N, xm, xsd)
    y <- rnorm(N, b0 + b1*x, sqrt(1 - b1^2))  # var. approx. 1 after accounting
                                              # for explained variance by x
    model <- lm(y ~ x)

    # pull output from model
    est <- coef(summary(model))['x', 'Estimate']
    se <- coef(summary(model))['x', 'Std. Error']
    p <- coef(summary(model))['x', 'Pr(>|t|)']

    return(c(xm=mean(x), xsd=sd(x), ym=mean(y), ysd=sd(y), est=est, se=se, p=p,
        sig=(p < .05)))

power_lm <- simulate(lm_test, params=list(N=c(200, 300)), n.sims=5000, b1=.15,
    parallel='snow', ncpus=4)
#> Running 10,000 simulations...
    # we vary N at 200 and 300; we are also setting coefficient of x predicting
    # y to be approx. .15 across all simulations
summary(power_lm, 'sig')
#>     N   mean
#> 1 200 0.5646
#> 2 300 0.7434

Of course, in the case of a single predictor, one can determine an analytic solution to this:

# f2 = R^2 / (1 - R^2)
pwr.f2.test(u=1, v=c(200-2, 300-2), f2=(.15^2) / (1 - .15^2))
#>      Multiple regression power calculation 
#>               u = 1
#>               v = 198, 298
#>              f2 = 0.0230179
#>       sig.level = 0.05
#>           power = 0.5695666, 0.7451719

However, using simulation, we can determine the power for more complex models, including interactions and simple effects.

lm_test_interaction <- function(simNum, N, b1, b2, b3, b0=0, x1m=0, x1sd=1,
    x2m=0, x2sd=1) {

    x1 <- rnorm(N, x1m, x1sd)
    x2 <- rnorm(N, x2m, x2sd)
    yvar <- sqrt(1 - b1^2 - b2^2 - b3^2)  # residual variance
    y <- rnorm(N, b0 + b1*x1 + b2*x2 + b3*x1*x2, yvar)
    model <- lm(y ~ x1 * x2)

    # pull output from model (two main effects and interaction)
    est_x1 <- coef(summary(model))['x1', 'Estimate']
    p_x1 <- coef(summary(model))['x1', 'Pr(>|t|)']
    sig_x1 <- p_x1 < .05
    est_x2 <- coef(summary(model))['x2', 'Estimate']
    p_x2 <- coef(summary(model))['x2', 'Pr(>|t|)']
    sig_x2 <- p_x2 < .05
    est_int <- coef(summary(model))['x1:x2', 'Estimate']
    p_int <- coef(summary(model))['x1:x2', 'Pr(>|t|)']
    sig_int <- p_int < .05

    return(c(est_x1=est_x1, p_x1=p_x1, sig_x1=sig_x1, est_x2=est_x2, p_x2=p_x2,
        sig_x2=sig_x2, est_int=est_int, p_int=p_int, sig_int=sig_int))

power_lm_int <- simulate(lm_test_interaction, params=list(N=c(200, 300)),
    n.sims=5000, b1=.15, b2=0, b3=.3, parallel='snow', ncpus=4)
#> Running 10,000 simulations...
    # varying N at 200 and 300; setting coefficient of x1 = .15, coefficient of
    # x2 = 0, and coefficien of interaction = .3
cbind(summary(power_lm_int, 'sig_x1'), summary(power_lm_int, 'sig_x2'),
    summary(power_lm_int, 'sig_int'))
#>     N   mean   N   mean   N   mean
#> 1 200 0.5884 200 0.0508 200 0.9900
#> 2 300 0.7760 300 0.0526 300 0.9994

Here, we are able to calculate the power for three coefficients at the same time. Note that for the coefficient b2, even though we set the true parameter equal to 0, power will trend toward your alpha level (typically .05), as this is the rate of false positives.

We can also calculate the power for simple effects:

lm_test_simple <- function(simNum, N, b1, b2, b3, b0=0, x1m=0, x1sd=1, x2m=0, x2sd=1) {
    x1 <- rnorm(N, x1m, x1sd)
    x2 <- rnorm(N, x2m, x2sd)
    yvar <- sqrt(1 - b1^2 - b2^2 - b3^2)
    y <- rnorm(N, b0 + b1*x1 + b2*x2 + b3*x1*x2, yvar)
    model <- lm(y ~ x1 * x2)  # here is the original model

    est_int <- coef(summary(model))['x1:x2', 'Estimate']
    p_int <- coef(summary(model))['x1:x2', 'Pr(>|t|)']
    sig_int <- p_int < .05

    # calculate x1 at +/- 1 SD, to look at simple effects
    x1minus1sd <- x1 - mean(x1) + sd(x1)
    x1plus1sd <- x1 - mean(x1) - sd(x1)

    # new models to examine simple effects
    model2 <- lm(y ~ x1minus1sd * x2)
    model3 <- lm(y ~ x1plus1sd * x2)

    # test effect of x2 when x1 is at +/- 1 SD
    est_x2_minus1 <- coef(summary(model2))['x2', 'Estimate']
    p_x2_minus1 <- coef(summary(model2))['x2', 'Pr(>|t|)']
    sig_x2_minus1 <- p_x2_minus1 < .05

    est_x2_plus1 <- coef(summary(model3))['x2', 'Estimate']
    p_x2_plus1 <- coef(summary(model3))['x2', 'Pr(>|t|)']
    sig_x2_plus1 <- p_x2_plus1 < .05

    return(c(est_int=est_int, p_int=p_int, sig_int=sig_int,
        est_x2_minus1=est_x2_minus1, p_x2_minus1=p_x2_minus1,
        sig_x2_minus1=sig_x2_minus1, est_x2_plus1=est_x2_plus1,
        p_x2_plus1=p_x2_plus1, sig_x2_plus1=sig_x2_plus1))

power_lm_simple <- simulate(lm_test_simple, params=list(N=c(200, 300)),
    n.sims=5000, b1=.15, b2=0, b3=.3, parallel='snow', ncpus=4)
#> Running 10,000 simulations...
cbind(summary(power_lm_simple, 'sig_x2_minus1'),
    summary(power_lm_simple, 'sig_x2_plus1'))
#>     N   mean   N  mean
#> 1 200 0.8722 200 0.870
#> 2 300 0.9638 300 0.965

Multilevel models

Multilevel models (MLM) can be especially difficult to estimate power for, as there are numerous parameters that can vary. In the example below, we examine a simple MLM examining the effect of time on a variable measured at 4 time points.

mlm_test <- function(simNum, N, b1, b0=0, xm=0, xsd=1, varInt=1, varSlope=1, varResid=1) {
    timePoints <- 4
    subject <- rep(1:N, each=timePoints)
    sub_int <- rep(rnorm(N, 0, sqrt(varInt)), each=timePoints)  # random intercept
    sub_slope <- rep(rnorm(N, 0, sqrt(varSlope)), each=timePoints)  # random slope
    time <- rep(0:(timePoints-1), N)
    y <- (b0 + sub_int) + (b1 + sub_slope)*time + rnorm(N*timePoints, 0, sqrt(varResid))
        # y-intercept as a function of b0 plus random intercept;
        # slope as a function of b1 plus random slope
    data <- data.frame(subject, sub_int, sub_slope, time, y)

    # for more complex models that might not converge, tryCatch() is probably
    # a good idea
    return <- tryCatch({
        model <- nlme::lme(y ~ time, random=~time|subject, data=data)
            # when using parallel processing, we must refer to functions from
            # packages directly, e.g., package::function()

        est <- summary(model)$tTable['time', 'Value']
        se <- summary(model)$tTable['time', 'Std.Error']
        p <- summary(model)$tTable['time', 'p-value']
        return(c(est=est, se=se, p=p, sig=(p < .05)))
    error=function(e) {
        #message(e)  # print error message
        return(c(est=NA, se=NA, p=NA, sig=NA))


power_mlm <- simulate(mlm_test, params=list(N=c(200, 300)), n.sims=1000, b1=.15,
    varInt=.05, varSlope=.15, varResid=.4, parallel='snow', ncpus=4)
#> Running 2,000 simulations...
summary(power_mlm, 'sig', na.rm=TRUE)
#>     N      mean
#> 1 200 0.9888641
#> 2 300 1.0000000

Structural equation modelling

Here is an example of a simple mediation model:

med_test <- function(simNum, N, aa, bb, cc) {
    x <- rnorm(N, 0, 1)
    m <- rnorm(N, aa*x, sqrt(1 - aa^2))
    y <- rnorm(N, cc*x + bb*m, sqrt(1 - cc^2 - bb^2))
    data <- data.frame(x, m, y)

    # set up lavaan model to calculate indirect effect (ab) and total effect
    model <- '
        m ~ a*x
        y ~ c*x
        y ~ b*m
        ab := a*b
        total := c + (a*b)'

    fit <- lavaan::sem(model, data=data)
    ests <- lavaan::parameterEstimates(fit)
        # when using parallel processing, we must refer to functions from
        # packages directly, e.g., package::function()

    # pull output from model
    a_est <- ests[ests$label == 'a', 'est']
    a_p <- ests[ests$label == 'a', 'pvalue']
    b_est <- ests[ests$label == 'b', 'est']
    b_p <- ests[ests$label == 'b', 'pvalue']
    c_est <- ests[ests$label == 'c', 'est']
    c_p <- ests[ests$label == 'c', 'pvalue']
    ab_est <- ests[ests$label == 'ab', 'est']
    ab_p <- ests[ests$label == 'ab', 'pvalue']

    return(c(a_est=a_est, a_p=a_p, b_est=b_est, b_p=b_p, c_est=c_est, c_p=c_p,
        ab_est=ab_est, ab_p=ab_p, sig=(ab_p < .05)))

power_med <- simulate(med_test, params=list(N=c(200, 300)), n.sims=1000, aa=.15,
    bb=.2, cc=.05, parallel='snow', ncpus=4)
#> Running 2,000 simulations...
    # set up mediation model where x -> m = .15, m -> y = .2, and x -> y = .05
summary(power_med, 'sig')
#>     N  mean
#> 1 200 0.228
#> 2 300 0.507

And an example of predicting a latent variable:

latent_test <- function(simNum, N, b1, ind1, ind2, ind3) {
    # matrix of factor structure; we have x as observed predictor, and y is a
    # latent variable with three indicators
    fmodel <- matrix(
        c(1, 0,      # x
          0, ind1,   # y1
          0, ind2,   # y2
          0, ind3),  # y3
        nrow=4, ncol=2, byrow=TRUE, dimnames=list(
            c('x', 'y1', 'y2', 'y3'),  # rows (observed)
            c('x', 'y')))              # cols (latent)

    # matrix of effects structure (variance-covariance); we are using x to
    # predict y (with coefficient specified as b1)
    y_resid_var <- sqrt(1 - b1^2)
    effects <- matrix(
        c(1, b1,            # x
          0, y_resid_var),  # y
        nrow=2, ncol=2, byrow=TRUE, dimnames=list(
            c('x', 'y'), c('x', 'y')))

    data <- simulateR::gen_data(fmodel, effects)
        # generates the data using factor and effects matrices

    model <- '
        y =~ y1 + y2 + y3
        y ~ b1*x'

    fit <- lavaan::sem(model, data=data)
    ests <- lavaan::parameterEstimates(fit)

    est <- ests[ests$label == 'b1', 'est']
    p <- ests[ests$label == 'b1', 'pvalue']

    return(c(est=est, p=p, sig=(p < .05)))

power_sem <- simulate(latent_test, params=list(N=c(200, 300)), n.sims=1000,
    b1=.15, ind1=.4, ind2=.4, ind3=.4, parallel='snow', ncpus=4)
#> Running 2,000 simulations...
summary(power_sem, 'sig', na.rm=TRUE)
#>     N      mean
#> 1 200 0.7767768
#> 2 300 0.7820000


Simulating the statistical power of complex models can be challenging due to the number of parameters that one needs to estimate. Making assumptions about how the variables covary, how they relate to each other, etc. can make it difficult. However, using the simulateR package provides a flexible way to run simulations in order to properly estimate power across a variety of assumptions. Hopefully, the examples in this vignette can provide you with a useful template from which to create models that fit your particular needs.

jeff-hughes/simulateR documentation built on May 19, 2019, 1:45 a.m.