
Defines functions sql_select

Documented in sql_select

#' Runs a SQL Select query
#'@param tbl - the table to run the query on
#'@param cols - a vector of the column names you'd like to select, default is all of them
#'@param where - a single string with the where conditions for the query
#'@param orderby - a vector of the column names you'd like to order by in the query
#'@param orderType - the type of ordering (ASC | DESC), DESC is default
#'@param groupBy -a vector of the column names you'd like to group by in the query
#'@param having -a single string with the having conditions for the query
#'@return a dataframe with the results of the query
#'sqL_select(table, c("col1", "col2"), "col1>10 AND col2<10")

sql_select <- function(tbl, cols = "*", where = -1, orderby = -1, orderType = "ASC", groupBy = -1, having = -1){
    stop("There is no connection")

  #starts of the query
  query <- "SELECT"
  #adds the column names for the select query
  cols_final <- paste(cols, collapse = ", ")
  query <- paste(query, cols_final, collapse = " ")
  #adds FROM
  from_final <- paste("FROM", tbl, collapse = " ")
  query <- paste(query, from_final, collapse = " ")
  #adds the where conditions for the query
    where_final <- paste("WHERE", where, collapse = " ")
    query <- paste(query, where_final, collapse = " ")
  #adds the orderby conditions for the query -if specified
    orderby_final <- paste(orderby, collapse = ", ")
    query <- paste(query, "ORDER BY", orderby_final, toupper(orderType), sep = " ")
  #adds the group_by conditions for the query - if specified
    groupBy_final <- paste(groupBy, sep = ", ")
    query <- paste(query, "GROUP BY ", groupBy_final, sep = " ")

   #adds the having conditions for the query - if specified
      having_final <- paste("HAVING", having, collapse = " ")
      query <- paste(query, having_final, sep = " ")
  query <- paste(query, ";")
  #runs the query
  results <- dbSendQuery(connection, query)
jeffchang5/SQLiter documentation built on May 19, 2019, 1:48 a.m.