brainbaser-package: Programmatic Access to the Brainbase Drosophila Neuroanatomy...

Description References See Also


This package provides programmatic access to some functions of the Brainbase Drosophila neuroanatomy website, In the first version of the package functionality is focussed on overlap scores of expression patterns for different neuropil domains.


The Vienna Tiles (VT) driver collection (but not its expression patterns in the adult brain) has been published in:

Genome-scale functional characterization of Drosophila developmental enhancers in vivo. Kvon EZ, Kazmar T, Stampfel G, Yanez-Cuna JO, Pagani M, Schernhuber K, Dickson BJ, Stark A. Nature. 2014 Aug 7;512(7512):91-5 doi:10.1038/nature13395

See Also

neuropil_overlaps, neuropils

jefferis/brainbaser documentation built on May 19, 2019, 2:50 a.m.