API for jefferis/flycircuit
Functions to support the analysis of the FlyCircuit single neuron dataset

Global functions
.onAttach Source code
.onLoad Source code
Chiang2FCWB Source code
FCWB.surf Man page
FCWBNP.surf Man page
add_registrations Source code
annotation Man page
apclusterfc Man page Source code
as.data.frame.APResult Man page Source code
download.file.wcheck Man page Source code
dpscan Man page Source code
drawRegionSurf Man page Source code
fc_annotated_class Man page Source code
fc_attach_bigmat Man page Source code
fc_attach_ff Man page Source code
fc_download_data Man page Source code
fc_gene_name Man page Source code
fc_get_ids Man page Source code
fc_glom Man page Source code
fc_idid Man page Source code
fc_image_summary Source code
fc_nblast Man page Source code
fc_neuron Man page Source code
fc_neuron_type Man page Source code
fc_page Man page
fc_read_neurons Man page Source code
fc_reroot_neuron Source code
fc_sex Man page Source code
fc_subscoremat Man page Source code
fcgn_forfile Man page Source code
fcidtable Man page
fcwbnpsurf Man page Source code
fcwbsurf Man page Source code
flycircuit Man page
flycircuit-ids Man page
flycircuit-package Man page
flycircuit.sidataurl Source code
getRegionSurf Man page Source code
getRegionsFromSurf Man page Source code
hclustfc Man page Source code
kcs20scores Man page
load_fcdata Man page Source code
load_fcdb Man page Source code
load_si_data Man page Source code
my_url_ok Source code
plot3d.APResult Man page Source code
plot3dfc Man page Source code
pop3dfc Man page Source code
selectRegionsFromSurf Man page Source code
upload_si_data Source code
jefferis/flycircuit documentation built on Feb. 4, 2023, 6:04 p.m.