#' Template information for the JRCFIB2018F aka hemibrain dataset
#' @description The \code{JRCFIB2018F} reference brain is a stitched FIB SEM
#'   volume completed at HHMI Janelia Research Campus in 2018.
#'   The \code{JRCFIB2018Fraw} reference brain is uncalibrated (i.e. has units
#'   of raw pixels), whereas \code{JRCFIB2018F} has units of microns and voxel
#'   dimensions of 8x8x8 * 1E-3 microns (i.e. 8 nm isotropic voxels).
#' @name JRCFIB2018F
#' @docType data
#' @references \bold{A Connectome of the Adult Drosophila Central Brain} Shan
#'   Xu, C; Januszewski, Michal; Lu, Zhiyuan; Takemura, Shin-Ya; Hayworth,
#'   Kenneth; Huang, Gary; Shinomiya, Kazunori; Maitin-Shepard, Jeremy;
#'   Ackerman, David; Berg, Stuart; Blakely, Tim; Bogovic, John; Clements, Jody;
#'   Dolafi, Tom; Hubbard, Philip; Kainmueller, Dagmar; Katz, William; Kawase,
#'   Takashi; Khairy, Khaled; Leavitt, Laramie; Li, Peter H; Lindsey, Larry;
#'   Neubarth, Nicole; Olbris, Donald J; Otsuna, Hideo; Troutman, Eric T;
#'   Umayam, Lowell; Zhao, Ting; Ito, Masayoshi; Goldammer, Jens; Wolff, Tanya;
#'   Svirskas, Robert; Schlegel, Philipp; Neace, Erika R; Knecht, Christopher J;
#'   Alvarado, Chelsea X; Bailey, Dennis; Ballinger, Samantha; Borycz, Jolanta
#'   A; Canino, Brandon; Cheatham, Natasha; Cook, Michael; Dreyer, Marisa;
#'   Duclos, Octave; Eubanks, Bryon; Fairbanks, Kelli; Finley, Samantha;
#'   Forknall, Nora; Francis, Audrey; Hopkins, Gary Patrick; Joyce, Emily M;
#'   Kim, Sungjin; Kirk, Nicole A; Kovalyak, Julie; Lauchie, Shirley A; Lohff,
#'   Alanna; Maldonado, Charli; Manley, Emily A; McLin, Sari; Mooney, Caroline;
#'   Ndama, Miatta; Ogundeyi, Omotara; Okeoma, Nneoma; Ordish, Christopher;
#'   Padilla, Nicholas; Patrick, Christopher; Paterson, Tyler; Phillips, Elliott
#'   E; Phillips, Emily M; Rampally, Neha; Ribeiro, Caitlin; Robertson,
#'   Madelaine K; Rymer, Jon Thomson; Ryan, Sean M; Sammons, Megan; Scott, Anne
#'   K; Scott, Ashley L; Shinomiya, Aya; Smith, Claire; Smith, Kelsey; Smith,
#'   Natalie L; Sobeski, Margaret A; Suleiman, Alia; Swift, Jackie; Takemura,
#'   Satoko; Talebi, Iris; Tarnogorska, Dorota; Tenshaw, Emily; Tokhi, Temour;
#'   Walsh, John J; Yang, Tansy; Horne, Jane Anne; Li, Feng; Parekh, Ruchi;
#'   Rivlin, Patricia K; Jayaraman, Vivek; Ito, Kei; Saalfeld, Stephan; George,
#'   Reed; Meinertzhagen, Ian; Rubin, Gerald M; Hess, Harald F; Scheffer, Louis
#'   K; Jain, Viren; Plaza, Stephen M
#'   \href{https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2020.01.21.911859v1}{bioRxiv
#'   doi:10.1101/2020.01.21.911859}.
# "JRCFIB2018F"

#' @docType data
#' @name JRCFIB2018Fraw
#' @rdname JRCFIB2018F
# "JRCFIB2018Fraw"
jefferislab/nat.flybrains documentation built on Aug. 16, 2022, 8:54 p.m.