
Defines functions o.ring

Documented in o.ring

#' @title Inhomogeneous O-ring 
#' @description Calculates the inhomogeneous O-ring point pattern statistic 
#'             (Wiegand & Maloney 2004) 
#' @param x              spatstat ppp object
#' @param inhomogeneous  (FALSE/TRUE) Run homogeneous (pcf) or inhomogeneous 
#'                       (pcfinhom)  
#' @param ...            additional arguments passed to pcf or pcfinhom 
#' @details
#' The function K(r) is the expected number of points in a circle of radius r centered 
#' at an arbitrary point (which is not counted), divided by the intensity l of the pattern. 
#' The alternative pair correlation function g(r), which arises if the circles of 
#' Ripley's K-function are replaced by rings, gives the expected number of points at 
#' distance r from an arbitrary point, divided by the intensity of the pattern. Of special 
#' interest is to determine whether a pattern is random, clumped, or regular. 
#' Using rings instead of circles has the advantage that one can isolate specific 
#' distance classes, whereas the cumulative K-function confounds effects at larger 
#' distances with effects at shorter distances. Note that the K-function and the O-ring 
#' statistic respond to slightly different biological questions. The accumulative 
#' K-function can detect aggregation or dispersion up to a given distance r and is 
#' therefore appropriate if the process in question (e.g., the negative effect of 
#' competition) may work only up to a certain distance, whereas the O-ring statistic 
#' can detect aggregation or dispersion at a given distance r. The O-ring statistic 
#' has the additional advantage that it is a probability density function (or a 
#' conditioned probability spectrum) with the interpretation of a neighborhood 
#' density, which is more intuitive than an accumulative measure.
#' @return plot of o-ring and data.frame with plot labels and descriptions  
#' @author Jeffrey S. Evans  <jeffrey_evans@@tnc.org>
#' @references
#' Wiegand T., and K. A. Moloney (2004) Rings, circles and null-models for point 
#' pattern analysis in ecology. Oikos 104:209-229
#' @examples
#' if (require(spatstat.explore, quietly = TRUE)) {
#' data(lansing)
#'   x  <- spatstat.geom::unmark(split(lansing)$maple)
#'   o.ring(x)
#' } else { 
#'   cat("Please install spatstat.explore package to run example", "\n")
#' }
#' @export
o.ring <- function(x, inhomogeneous = FALSE, ...) {
  if( inhomogeneous ) { 
      g <- spatstat.explore::pcfinhom(x, ...)
    } else {
	  g <- spatstat.explore::pcf(x, ...)
      lambda <- summary(x)$intensity
    O <- spatstat.explore::eval.fv(lambda * g)
  graphics::plot(O, ylab = "O-ring(r)", main = "O-ring")
jeffreyevans/spatialEco documentation built on April 4, 2024, 10:53 a.m.