Man pages for jeksterslab/ramR
Reticular Action Model (RAM) Notation

CMatrix of Covariance Expectations \mathbf{C}
CheckRAMMatricesCheck Matrices
EMatrix of Total Effects \mathbf{E}
Eq2DataEquations to Multivariate Normal Sample Data
Eq2ExpectationsEquations to Expectations
Eq2RAMEquations to RAM Matrices
EqParseEquations Parser
ExpectationsExpectations from the Reticular Action Model (RAM) Matrices
gVector of Expected Values of Observed Variables \mathbf{g}
IminusA\mathbf{I} - \mathbf{A}
MMatrix of Covariance Expectations of Observed Variables...
RAM2DataGenerate Data from a Multivariate Normal Distribution Using...
ramRramR: Reticular Action Model (RAM) Notation
RAMScaledScaled/Standardized RAM Matrices
SMatrix of Symmetric Paths \mathbf{S}
uVector of Mean Structure Parameters \mathbf{u}
vVector of Expected Values \mathbf{v}
jeksterslab/ramR documentation built on March 14, 2021, 9:38 a.m.