Man pages for jemus42/tRakt
Get Data from ''

anticipated_mediaAnticipated media
apidocGet API docs keys
apiurlGet a formatted API url for an endpoint
build_trakt_urlAssemble a API URL
check_usernameCheck username
collected_mediaMost collected media
comments_commentGet a single comment
comments_trendingGet trending or recently made comments
comments_updatesGet recently updated/edited comments
dynamic_listsSee which movies / shows are popular across various metrics
episodes_summaryGet a single episode's details
futuramaFuturama episodes
gameofthronesGame of Thrones episodes
lists_popularGet popular / trending lists
media_aliasesGet all movie / show aliases
media_commentsGet all comments of a thing
media_listsGet lists containing a movie, show, season, episode or person
media_peopleGet the cast and crew of a show or movie
media_ratingsMedia user ratings
media_statsGet a show or movie's (or season's or episode's) stats
media_translationsGet translations for a movie, show or episode
media_watchingGet who's watching a thing right now
movies_boxofficeGet the weekend box office
movies_relatedGet similiar(ish) movies
movies_releasesGet a movie's release details
movies_summaryGet a single movie
pad_episodeEasy episode number padding
people_mediaGet a single person's movie or show credits
people_summaryGet a single person's details
played_mediaMost played media
popular_mediaPopular media
search_querySearch via text query or ID
seasons_seasonGet a season of a show
seasons_summaryGet a show's seasons
shows_next_episodeGet a shows next or latest episode
shows_relatedGet similiar(ish) shows
shows_summaryGet a single show
tidyevalTidy eval helpers
trakt_api_common_parametersCommon API parameters
trakt_credentialsSet the required API credentials
trakt_datasetsCached filter datasets
trakt_getMake an API call and receive parsed output
trakt_get_tokenGet a OAuth2 token
tRakt-packagetRakt: Get Data from ''
trending_mediaTrending media
user_collectionGet a user's collected shows or movies
user_commentsGet a user's comments
user_historyGet a user's watch history
user_likesGet items (comments, lists) a user likes
user_listGet a single list
user_list_commentsGet comments on a user-created list
user_list_itemsGet a user's list's items
user_listsGet a user's lists
user_networkGet a user's social connections
user_profileGet a user's profile
user_ratingsGet a user's ratings
user_statsReturns stats about the movies, shows, and episodes a user...
user_watchedGet a user's watched shows or movies
user_watchlistGet a user's watchlist
watched_mediaMost watched media
jemus42/tRakt documentation built on Aug. 7, 2024, 6:32 a.m.