media_people: Get the cast and crew of a show or movie

media_peopleR Documentation

Get the cast and crew of a show or movie


Returns all cast and crew for a show/movie, depending on how much data is available.


movies_people(id, extended = c("min", "full"))

shows_people(id, guest_stars = FALSE, extended = c("min", "full"))

  season = 1L,
  guest_stars = FALSE,
  extended = c("min", "full")

  season = 1L,
  episode = 1L,
  guest_stars = FALSE,
  extended = c("min", "full")



character(1): The ID of the item requested. Preferably the trakt ID (e.g. 1429). Other options are the slug (e.g. "the-wire") or imdb ID (e.g. "tt0306414"). Can also be of length greater than 1, in which case the function is called on all id values separately and the result is combined. See vignette("finding-things") for more details.


character(1): Either "min" (API default) or "full". The latter returns more variables and should generally only be used if required. See vignette("finding-things") for more details.


logical(1) ["FALSE"]: Also include guest stars. This returns a lot of data, so use with care.

season, episode

integer(1) [1L]: The season and eisode number. If longer, e.g. 1:5, the function is vectorized and the output will be combined. This may result in a lot of API calls. Use wisely.


A list of one or more tibbles for cast and/or crew. The latter tibble objects are as flat as possible.


As of 2019-09-30, there are two representations of character[s] and job[s]: One is a regular character variable, and the other is a list-column. The former is deprecated and only included for compatibility reasons.


movies_people() wraps endpoint movies/:id/people.

shows_people() wraps endpoint shows/:id/people.

seasons_people() wraps endpoint shows/:id/seasons/:season/people.

episodes_people() wraps endpoint shows/:id/seasons/:season/episodes/:episode/people.

See Also

people_media, for the other direction: People that have credits in shows/movies.

Other people data: media_lists, people_media(), people_summary()

Other movie data: anticipated_media, collected_media, media_aliases, media_comments, media_lists, media_ratings(), media_stats(), media_translations, media_watching, movies_boxoffice(), movies_related(), movies_releases(), movies_summary(), people_media(), played_media, popular_media, trending_media, watched_media

Other people data: media_lists, people_media(), people_summary()

Other show data: collected_media, media_aliases, media_comments, media_lists, media_ratings(), media_stats(), media_translations, media_watching, people_media(), played_media, shows_next_episode(), shows_related(), shows_summary()

Other people data: media_lists, people_media(), people_summary()

Other season data: media_comments, media_lists, media_ratings(), media_stats(), seasons_season(), seasons_summary()

Other people data: media_lists, people_media(), people_summary()

Other episode data: episodes_summary(), media_comments, media_lists, media_ratings(), media_stats(), media_translations, media_watching, seasons_season(), seasons_summary(), shows_next_episode()

Other people data: media_lists, people_media(), people_summary()


## Not run: 
seasons_people("breaking-bad", season = 1)
episodes_people("breaking-bad", season = 1, episode = 1)

## End(Not run)

jemus42/tRakt documentation built on April 19, 2024, 3:25 a.m.