wurstmineR: Throw R at Minecraft. See what sticks.

Description Details


wurstmineR is a package that grew out of wurstminestats, a project of the Wurstmineberg Minecraft server. It utilizes Farthen's Minecraft API, which you can find on Github, and is described here. The prerequisites are extensive and the actual usecase is very specialized, since it is only useful to people who

  1. Are involved with a vanilla Minecraft server

  2. Use the API

  3. Are interested in working with said API's data

  4. Intend to do so with R

Relevant data sources are documented in the wurstminestats Readme for now, but will sooner or later be documented here.


None of this would be possible without Farthen's work on the API and Fenhl's expansions on the API and his helpful descriptive JSON files located at our assets repository

jemus42/wurstmineR documentation built on May 19, 2019, 4:03 a.m.