Man pages for jeremyrcoyle/tmle3
The Extensible TMLE Framework

boundBound (Truncate) Likelihoods
CF_LikelihoodCounterfactual Likelihood
define_lfDefine a Likelihood Factor
define_paramDefine a Parameter
delta_param_ATEPAR = Linear Contrast EY1-EY0
delta_param_OROdds Ratio odds(Y1)/odds(Y0)
delta_param_PAFPAF = 1 - (1/RR(EY/E0))
delta_param_PARPAR = Linear Contrast EY-EY0
delta_param_RRRisk Ratio EY1/EY0
discretize_variableDiscretize Continuous Variable
ED_from_estimatesGet Empirical Mean of EIFs from Estimates
LF_baseBase Class for Defining Likelihood Factors
LF_derivedDerived Likelihood Factor Estimated from Data + Other...
LF_empLikelihood Factor Estimated using Empirical Distribution
LF_fitLikelihood Factor Estimated from Data using sl3.
LF_knownKnown True Likelihood Factor
LF_staticStatic Likelihood Factor
LF_targetedUse a likelihood factor from an existing targeted likelihood
LikelihoodClass for Likelihood
Likelihood_cacheCache Likelihood values, update those values
npsem_helpersHelper functions for the NPSEM
Param_ATCAdditive Effect of Treatment Among the Treated
Param_ATEAverage Treatment Effect
Param_ATTAdditive Effect of Treatment Among the Treated
Param_baseBase Class for Defining Parameters
Param_deltaDelta Method Parameters
Param_meanMean of Outcome Node
Param_MSMStratified Parameter Estimates via MSM
Param_stratifiedStratified Parameter Estimates
Param_survivalSurvival Curve
Param_TSMTreatment Specific Mean
plot_vimPlot results of variable importance analysis
point_txHelper Functions for Point Treatment
process_missingPreprocess Data to Handle Missing Variables
propensity_scoresGet and Plot Propensity Scores
submodel_logitLogistic Submodel Fluctuation
summary_from_estimatesSummarize Estimates
survival_txHelper Functions for Survival Analysis
Targeted_LikelihoodTargeted Likelihood
tmle3TMLE from a tmle3_Spec object
tmle3_FitTMLE fit object
tmle3_NodeA Node (set of variables) in an NPSEM
tmle3_SpecDefines a TML Estimator (except for the data)
tmle3_Spec_ATCDefines a TML Estimator (except for the data)
tmle3_Spec_ATEDefines a TML Estimator (except for the data)
tmle3_Spec_ATTDefines a TML Estimator (except for the data)
tmle3_Spec_MSMDefines a Stratified TML Estimator with MSM (except for the...
tmle3_Spec_ORDefines a TML Estimator for the Odds Ratio
tmle3_Spec_PARDefines a tmle (minus the data)
tmle3_Spec_RRDefines a TML Estimator for the Risk Ratio
tmle3_Spec_stratifiedDefines a Stratified TML Estimator (except for the data)
tmle3_Spec_survivalDefines a TML Estimator (except for the data)
tmle3_Spec_TSM_allDefines a TML Estimator (except for the data)
tmle3_TaskClass for Storing Data and NPSEM for TMLE
tmle3_UpdateDefines an update procedure (submodel+loss function)
tmle3_Update_survivalDefines an update procedure (submodel+loss function) for...
tmle3_vimCompute Variable Importance Measures (VIM) with any given...
tmle_ATCAll Treatment Specific Means
tmle_ATEAll Treatment Specific Means
tmle_ATTAll Treatment Specific Means
tmle_MSMMake MSM version of Stratified TML estimator class
tmle_OROdds Ratio
tmle_PARPAR and PAF
tmle_RRRisk Ratio
tmle_stratifiedStratified version of TML estimator from other Spec classes
tmle_survivalTreatment Specific Survival
tmle_TSM_allAll Treatment Specific Means
train_lfManually Train Likelihood Factor The internal training...
wald_ciWald-Style Confidence Intervals
jeremyrcoyle/tmle3 documentation built on May 20, 2022, 7:36 a.m.