insp_prep_data: Prepare Inspections Data for Displaying in HTML Table

insp_prep_dataR Documentation

Prepare Inspections Data for Displaying in HTML Table


insp_prep_data() prepares data from the inspections team for display as an HTML table. It selects, transforms, orders, and sorts the five columns needed for display and outputs a visualization-ready dataset.





A data frame containing the inspections data


insp_prep_data() chains together a number of operations on the input data.

First, columns are selected as defined in the Details of insp_cols_exist(); if multiple columns match this selection, they are coalesced.

Second, columns are transformed according to type and assigned a standard name. Visit date and closure date are assigned to dt_visit and dt_closed, respecively, and converted to the ISO 8601 standard (see convert_to_date(), insp_cast_chr_date() , and insp_replace_year_long() ). Name and address columns are assigned to nm_business and addr_business, respectively, and converted to character with extra whitespace removed. The number of violations is assigned to n_violations and converted to integer.

Third, rows missing a business name or number of violations (nm_business or n_violations) are removed from the dataset. Entries without names are not easily identifiable, and the primary purpose of the table is to display violations.

Fourth, columns are reordered for ease of viewing, and unnecessary columns (any not listed above) are dropped. The ordering is n_violations, nm_business, addr_business, dt_visit, and dt_closed.

Last, rows are arranged by column from left to right (first by n_violations, then by nm_business, and so on). n_violations, dt_visit, and dt_closed are arranged in descending order (most violations and most recent dates first); nm_business and addr_business are arranged in ascending order (aka alphabetically).


The processed data frame

See Also

Other functions in the inspections data pipeline ( insp_load_data() , insp_create_table() , insp_save_table() , insp_archive_table() ) and the wrapper for the full workflow ( insp_table_pipeline() )

jesse-smith/covidReport documentation built on Aug. 3, 2024, 4:52 p.m.