
Defines functions mig_calculate_rc

Documented in mig_calculate_rc

#' Calculate Rogers-Castro migration age schedule
#' @description Given a set of ages and parameters, calculate the migration age schedule based on the Rogers and Castro formula.
#' Choose between a 7, 9, 11 or 13 parameter model.
#' @param ages numeric. A vector of ages for migration rates to be calculated.
#' @param pars numeric. A named list of parameters. See below for details.
#' @return A vector the same length as \code{ages}. Values represent migration rate for each age in \code{ages}.
#' @export
#' @details In the full 13 parameter model, the migration rate at age x, \eqn{m(x)} is defined as
#' \deqn{m(x) = a1*exp(-1*alpha1*x) + a2*exp(-1*alpha2*(x - mu2) - exp(-1*lambda2*(x - mu2))) + a3*exp(-1*alpha3*(x - 3) - exp(-1*lambda3*(x - mu3))) + a4*exp(lambda4*x) + c}
#' The first, second, third and fourth pieces of the equation represent pre-working age, working age, retirement and post-retirement age patterns, respectively.
#' Models with less parameters gradually remove terms at the older ages. Parameters in each family are:
#' \itemize{
#' \item pre-working age: {a1, alpha1}
#' \item working age: {a2, alpha2, mu2, lambda2}
#' \item retirement: {a3, alpha3, mu3, lambda3}
#' \item post retirement: {a4, lambda4}
#' }
#' For a specific family to be included, values for all parameters in that family must be specified.
#' @references
#' \insertRef{rogers1981model}{rcbayes}
#' @importFrom Rdpack reprompt
#' @examples
#' pars <- c(a1= 0.09, alpha1= 0.1, a2= 0.2,
#' alpha2= 0.1, mu2= 21, lambda2= 0.39, a3= 0.001,
#' alpha3= 1, mu3= 67, lambda3= 0.6, c= 0.01)
#' ages <- 0:75
#' mx <- mig_calculate_rc(ages = ages, pars = pars)
#' plot(ages, mx, type = 'l')
mig_calculate_rc <- function(ages,

  # parameter name groups
  comp1 <- c("a1", "alpha1")
  comp2 <- c("a2", "alpha2", "lambda2", "mu2")
  comp3 <- c("a3", "alpha3", "lambda3", "mu3")
  comp4 <- c("a4", "lambda4")

  # check for specific parameter groups
  if (any(comp1 %in% names(pars))){
    stopifnot(all(comp1 %in% names(pars)))
  if (any(comp2 %in% names(pars))){
    stopifnot(all(comp2 %in% names(pars)))
  if (any(comp3 %in% names(pars))){
    stopifnot(all(comp3 %in% names(pars)))
  if (any(comp4 %in% names(pars))){
    stopifnot(all(comp4 %in% names(pars)))

  pars_blank <- c(a1 = 0, alpha1 = 0,
                  a2 = 0, alpha2 = 0, mu2 = 0, lambda2 = 0,
                  a3 = 0, alpha3 = 0, mu3 = 0, lambda3 = 0,
                  a4 = 0, lambda4 = 0,
                  c = 0)

  pars_blank[names(pars)] <- pars
  pars       <- pars_blank

  x  <- ages
  mx <-
    # pre working age
    pars[["a1"]]*exp(-1 * pars[["alpha1"]]*x) +

    # working
    pars[["a2"]]*exp(-1 * pars[["alpha2"]] * (x - pars[["mu2"]]) -
                       exp(-1 * pars[["lambda2"]] * (x - pars[["mu2"]]))) +

    # retirement
    pars[["a3"]] * exp(-1 * pars[["alpha3"]] * (x - pars[["mu3"]]) -
                         exp(-1 * pars[["lambda3"]] * (x - pars[["mu3"]]))) +

    # post-retirement
    pars[["a4"]] * exp(pars[["lambda4"]] *x ) +

    # intensity parameter

jessieyeung/rcbayes documentation built on Jan. 3, 2024, 8:38 p.m.