Man pages for jhammelman/spatzie
Identification of enriched motif pairs from chromatin interaction data

anchor_pair_enrichDetermine enriched motifs in anchors
anchor_pair_example_countspatzie count correlation data set
anchor_pair_example_matchspatzie match association data set
anchor_pair_example_scorespatzie score correlation data set
compare_motif_pairsCompare pairs of motifs between two interaction datasets
compare_pairs_examplecompare_motif_pairs example
filter_motifsFilter motifs based on occurrence within interaction data
filter_pair_motifsFilter significant motif interactions
filter_pairs_examplespatzie score correlation filtered data set
find_ep_coenrichmentFind co-enriched motif pairs in enhancer-promoter...
get_specific_interactionsGet interactions that contain a specific motif pair
int_data_k562K562 Enhancer - Promoter Interactions Data Set
int_data_mslclMSLCL Enhancer - Promoter Interactions Data Set
int_data_yy1Mouse YY1 Enhancer - Promoter Interactions Data Set
interactions_yy1Mouse YY1 Enhancer - Promoter Interactions Data Set
interactions_yy1_enhancerMouse YY1 Enhancer - Promoter Interactions Data Set - YY1...
interactions_yy1_epMouse YY1 Enhancer - Promoter Interactions Data Set - YY1...
interactions_yy1_promoterMouse YY1 Enhancer - Promoter Interactions Data Set - YY1...
plot_motif_occurrencePlot motif occurrence
scan_interactions_exampleInteractions scanned for motifs - interactionData object
scan_interactions_example_filteredInteractions with motifs filtered for significance -...
scan_motifsScans interaction file for motif instances
jhammelman/spatzie documentation built on Feb. 8, 2024, 8:50 a.m.