Man pages for jiho/chroma
Parse and Manipulate Colors, Create Perceptually Correct Color Palettes

alphaModify color transparency
averageAverage several colors
blendBlend two colors
brewerColors from
brewer_infoDescription of the color palettes
brewer_scaleColorBrewer scales and palettes
channelGet or set a color channel
chroma_scaleChromacity scale and palette
CMClcCompute the CMC l:c difference between two colors
cmykCMYK color specification
color_distanceCompute the Euclidean distance between two colors
complementCompute the complement color
contrastQuantify contrast betwen colors
convert_colorConvert colors to a given color model
cssCSS color specification
css_colorsNamed CSS Colors
cubehelix_scaleCubeHelix color scale and palette
darkenChange color lightness
deltaECompute the Delta-E between two colors
etopoColors from ETOPO1
etopo_scaleETOPO1 scale and palette
hclHCL color specification
hexHEX color specification
hsiHSI color specification
hslHSL color specification
hsvHSV color specification
hueGet the hue of colors
hue_scaleHue scale and palette
infernoMagma colors
inferno_scaleMagma color scale and palette
in_hexFast casting of colors into HEX strings
interp_scaleInterpolated color scale and palette
labCIE L*a*b* color specification
light_scaleLightness scale and palette
luminanceGet or set the relative brightness of colors
magmaMagma colors
magma_scaleMagma color scale and palette
maungaTopography of Auckland's Maunga Whau volcano
mixMix two colors
parse_colorParse colors specified in a given model
persp_facetsFacets values in a persp plot
plasmaMagma colors
plasma_scaleMagma color scale and palette
random_colorsGenerate random color(s)
rgbRGB color specification
rybRYB color specification
saturateChange color saturation
scale_xy_mapggplot2 x and y scales definitions for maps
show_colShow colors
sidelegendPut the legend on the side of a plot
temperatureColor Temperature Specification
thaiTopography around Thailand
turboTurbo colors
turbo_scaleTurbo color scale and palette
viridisViridis colors
viridis_scaleViridis color scale and palette
visibleCorrespondence table between wavelengths of visible light and...
vsup_scaleValue suppressing color scale and palette
wavelengthColor specification as wavelength
wikitopoColors from Wikipedia topographic conventions
wikitopo_scaleWikipedia topographic scale and palette
jiho/chroma documentation built on Feb. 5, 2025, 10:32 p.m.