alpha | Modify color transparency |
average | Average several colors |
blend | Blend two colors |
brewer | Colors from |
brewer_info | Description of the color palettes |
brewer_scale | ColorBrewer scales and palettes |
channel | Get or set a color channel |
chroma_scale | Chromacity scale and palette |
CMClc | Compute the CMC l:c difference between two colors |
cmyk | CMYK color specification |
color_distance | Compute the Euclidean distance between two colors |
complement | Compute the complement color |
contrast | Quantify contrast betwen colors |
convert_color | Convert colors to a given color model |
css | CSS color specification |
css_colors | Named CSS Colors |
cubehelix_scale | CubeHelix color scale and palette |
darken | Change color lightness |
deltaE | Compute the Delta-E between two colors |
etopo | Colors from ETOPO1 |
etopo_scale | ETOPO1 scale and palette |
hcl | HCL color specification |
hex | HEX color specification |
hsi | HSI color specification |
hsl | HSL color specification |
hsv | HSV color specification |
hue | Get the hue of colors |
hue_scale | Hue scale and palette |
inferno | Magma colors |
inferno_scale | Magma color scale and palette |
in_hex | Fast casting of colors into HEX strings |
interp_scale | Interpolated color scale and palette |
lab | CIE L*a*b* color specification |
light_scale | Lightness scale and palette |
luminance | Get or set the relative brightness of colors |
magma | Magma colors |
magma_scale | Magma color scale and palette |
maunga | Topography of Auckland's Maunga Whau volcano |
mix | Mix two colors |
parse_color | Parse colors specified in a given model |
persp_facets | Facets values in a persp plot |
plasma | Magma colors |
plasma_scale | Magma color scale and palette |
random_colors | Generate random color(s) |
rgb | RGB color specification |
ryb | RYB color specification |
saturate | Change color saturation |
scale_xy_map | ggplot2 x and y scales definitions for maps |
show_col | Show colors |
sidelegend | Put the legend on the side of a plot |
temperature | Color Temperature Specification |
thai | Topography around Thailand |
turbo | Turbo colors |
turbo_scale | Turbo color scale and palette |
viridis | Viridis colors |
viridis_scale | Viridis color scale and palette |
visible | Correspondence table between wavelengths of visible light and... |
vsup_scale | Value suppressing color scale and palette |
wavelength | Color specification as wavelength |
wikitopo | Colors from Wikipedia topographic conventions |
wikitopo_scale | Wikipedia topographic scale and palette |
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