wavelength: Color specification as wavelength

View source: R/parse_wavelength.R

wavelengthR Documentation

Color specification as wavelength


Convert colors specified as the wavelength of a beam of monochromatic light into an R color.






vector of wavelengths.


The human eye can distinguish colors between approximately 380 and 750 nm. The colors that we name (arbitrarily, since they really change continuously along the spectrum) are: Violet = [380,450] nm, Blue = [450,495] nm, Green = [495,570] nm, Yellow = [570,590] nm, Orange = [590,620] nm, Red = [620,750] nm.

The correspondance with colors in sRGB-space (the ones R can use) is only approximate because not all monochromatic light colors can be accurately represented in sRGB. Technically it is done by interpolating from a lookup table, described in visible, which itself is a numerical approximation of the match between input colours and sRGB equivalents.


A vector of colors specified as hex codes

See Also

Other color specifications: cmyk(), css(), hcl(), hex(), hsi(), hsl(), hsv(), lab(), parse_color(), rgb(), ryb(), temperature()


# Display the full visible spectrum
x <- seq(370, 760, length.out=200)
plot(x=x, y=rep(0, 200), col=wavelength(x), pch="|", cex=5)
abline(v=c(380, 450, 495, 570, 590, 620, 750), lty="dotted")

jiho/chroma documentation built on Feb. 5, 2025, 10:32 p.m.