
Defines functions disc_assemble

Documented in disc_assemble

#' Assemble data of a given kind from several deployments
#' @param pattern pattern to look for in the file name; passed to \code{\link[base]{list.files}}. Only \code{.csv} files are searched for.
#' @param ids deployment ids to limit the search to; if NULL (the default) get data from all deployments
#' @inheritParams disc_dd
#' @export
#' @importFrom plyr adply laply
#' @importFrom stringr str_c str_split
#' @importFrom gtools mixedsort
#' @examples
#' # get example deployments included with the package
#' deploys <- system.file("extdata", "deployments", package = "discr")
#' disc_status(deploys)
#' # get all larvae tracks
#' head(disc_assemble("rotated_larvae_tracks", deploy.dir=deploys))
#' # get all GPS tracks
#' head(dassemble("gps", deploy.dir=deploys))
#' tail(dassemble("gps", deploy.dir=deploys))
disc_assemble <- function(pattern, ids=NULL, deploy.dir=NULL) {

  # get/set deployments directory
  wd <- disc_dd(deploy.dir)

  # get/set disc options

  # check ids
  existingDeployments <- mixedsort(list.dirs(wd, full.names=FALSE, recursive=FALSE))
  if ( is.null(ids) ) {
    ids <- existingDeployments
  ok <- ids %in% existingDeployments
  if ( any(!ok) ) {
    warning("Deployments ", str_c(ids[!ok], collapse=", "), " were not found and will be skipped", immediate.=TRUE)
    ids <- ids[ok]

  # list matching files in the appropriate deployment directories
  files <- list.files(str_c(wd, ids, sep="/"), pattern=pattern, full.names=TRUE)

  # only keep csv files
  files <- files[which(str_detect(files, ".*\\.csv$"))]

  if ( length(files) == 0 ) {
    stop("Cannot find .csv files matching pattern: ", pattern)

  # get data from these files
  d <- adply(files, 1, read.csv, stringsAsFactors=FALSE, .inform=TRUE)

  # identify each deployment
  # by ID (extract it from the file name, as the "before-the-last" element)
  bits <- str_split(files, "/")
  n <- unique(laply(bits, length))
  if ( length(n) != 1 ) {
    stop("Error trying to find deployment ID")
  deploy_id <- laply(bits, `[`, n-1)
  d$deploy_id <- deploy_id[d$X1]
  # deal with the special (but common) case of all integer deployment ids
  # = when all are integer, make the deploy_id integer
  if ( ! any(is.na(suppressWarnings(as.integer(d$deploy_id)))) ) {
    d$deploy_id <- as.integer(d$deploy_id)

  # from the file name
  d$fileName <- files[d$X1]

  # remove the index
  d <- d[,-1]


#' @rdname disc_assemble
#' @export
dassemble <- disc_assemble
jiho/discr documentation built on May 19, 2019, 9:30 a.m.