Man pages for jiho/ecotaxar
Read Information From EcoTaxa

ancestorsGet the ids of all ancestors of some taxa
api_get_meGet information about the currently authenticated user (i.e....
api_get_userGet information about a single user, by id
api_get_usersList all EcoTaxa users
api_handle_responseHandle an API response
api_loginLog in EcoTaxa
api_objectGet information about a single object
api_projectGet information for a project
api_project_createCreate a project
api_project_deleteDelete a project
api_projects_filterFilter projects
api_project_updateUpdate information for a project
api_sampleGet information about a single sample
api_search_usersSearch for users, by name
api_taxonGet information about a single taxon
api_tokenRead your EcoTaxa token
api_token_pathGet the path to your cached EcoTaxa token
api_update_object_setBatch update metadata of objects
api_update_sample_setBatch update metadata of samples
api_urlGet the base URL of EcoTaxa's API
api_user_preferencesDeal with user preferences
as.taxoCoerce a taxonomy data.frame to various formats
childrenGet ids of the children of some taxa
db_connectDatabase connection to EcoTaxa
db_extractGet objects and associated metadata
descendantsGet ids of descendants of some taxa
extract_taxoExtract a subset of the taxonomy for a set of ids
is_leafTests whether taxa are leaves in a taxonomic tree
lineageGet the full lineage of a taxon
mappingParse a mapping specification
parentGet id of the parent of some taxa
query_stringBuild a query with parameters
read_ecotaxa_tsvRead tsv file from EcoTaxa
reexportsObjects exported from other packages
remove_empty_colsRemove empty columns from a data.frame
taxoMinimal, fake taxonomy table
taxo_idGet the ids of taxa from their names
taxo_nameGet the names of taxa from their ids
tbl_ecotaxaConnect to common EcoTaxa tables
jiho/ecotaxar documentation built on Jan. 16, 2024, 12:26 a.m.