step_fft_transfer_welch | R Documentation |
calculates the transfer function with Welch's results.
overlap = 0.8,
time_step = 1,
formula = NULL,
role = "augment",
.rec |
the R6 recipe object. |
terms |
the unquoted names of the variables to use or a selector function. terms replaces the '...' of the recipes package but requires variables to be included within 'c()'. For example to include variables x and y you would write 'c(x,y)' in the hydrorecipes package. |
length_subset |
length of fft section |
overlap |
amount of overlap |
window |
window weights |
time_step |
formula |
formula notation to specify inputs and outputs |
role |
character - the name of the role |
... |
additional arguments |
an updated recipe
form <- as.formula("wl~.")
rec <- recipe(form, kennel_2020) |>
step_fft_transfer_welch(c(wl, baro, et),
length_subset = 1440*8 + 1,
overlap = 0.6,
window = window_nuttall(1440*8+1)) |>
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