
rbr_files <- '/media/jonathankennel/Seagate Expansion Drive/rbr_g360'
rds_file <- '/media/jonathankennel/Seagate Expansion Drive/rbr_g360meta'

quiet = "--quiet" %in% commandArgs(FALSE)
formats = commandArgs(TRUE)
travis = !'CI', NA))

src = (function() {
  attr(body(sys.function()), 'srcfile')
if (is.null(src) || src == '') src = '.'

owd = setwd(dirname(src))

# provide default formats if necessary
if (length(formats) == 0) formats = c(

# render the book to all formats unless they are specified via command-line args
for (fmt in formats) {
  cmd = sprintf("bookdown::render_book('index.Rmd', '%s', quiet = %s, params = list(rbr_files = '%s', rds_file = '%s'))",
                fmt, quiet, rbr_files, rds_file)

  res = bookdown:::Rscript(c('-e', shQuote(cmd)))

  if (res != 0) stop('Failed to compile the book to ', fmt)
  if (!travis && fmt == 'bookdown::epub_book')
    bookdown::calibre('_book/bookdown.epub', 'mobi')

# r = '<body onload="window.location = \'\'+location.pathname">'
# for (f in list.files('_book', '[.]html$', full.names = TRUE)) {
#   x = readLines(f)
#   if (length(i <- grep('^\\s*<body>\\s*$', x)) == 0) next
#   # patch HTML files in gh-pages if built on Travis, to redirect to
#   if (travis) x[i[1]] = r
#   i = grep('<i class="fa fa-circle-o-notch fa-spin"></i><a href="./">.+</a>', x)[1]
#   # shorter title on the toolbar
#   if (! x[i] = gsub('bookdown: ', '', x[i], fixed = TRUE)
#   i = c(
#     grep('&lt;bytecode: 0x[0-9a-f]+&gt;$', x),
#     grep('^\\s*<meta name="generator" content="bookdown [.0-9]+ and GitBook [.0-9]+" />$', x),
#     grep('^<meta name="date" content="[-0-9]+" />$', x)
#   )
#   if (travis && length(i)) x = x[-i]
#   writeLines(x, f)
# }

# file.copy(from = paste(fn[1],'_files'),
#           to = '_book/libs',
#           recursive = TRUE, overwrite = FALSE)

# if (length(formats) > 1) bookdown::publish_book()


file.copy(from = '_book',
          to = '/media/jonathankennel/Seagate Expansion Drive/rbr_g360_book',
          recursive = TRUE,
 = TRUE)

unlink("_book", recursive = TRUE)
unlink('*.html', recursive = FALSE)
jkennel/transducer documentation built on Feb. 1, 2024, 9:45 a.m.