Man pages for jlederluis/digitanalysis
Digit Analysis

align_digitsAlign the digits from the left/right of a data column and...
all_digits_testPerforms all-digit-place two-way chi square test vs Benford’s...
Benford_simulationSimulates N Benford distribution datasets with matching digit...
Benford_tableThe dataset for contingency table of each digit in each digit...
break_by_categoryBreaks the data on specified column
calculate_weighted_pComputes weighted average probability of high digits across...
chi_square_gofPerforms chi square test for goodness of fit test. Plots...
combine_by_columnsFetches the merged rows of all data columns aligned-right...
compute_percent_rounded_digitsCompute the percent of rounded digits in a given dataframe....
counts_observedFind the frequency of terminal digit pairs occuring in the...
DigitAnalysis-classThe class object for DigitAnalysis package
digit_pairs_testPerforms terminal digit pair binomial test vs uniform...
drop_disqualified_columnsDrops disqualified columns in both expected and observed...
drop_first_digit_placesRemove first digit from a left-aligned/right-aligned digits...
drop_last_digit_placesRemove last digit from a left-aligned/right-aligned digits...
find_percent_repeatsFinds the percent of repeats in the given data based on given...
format_p_valuesDisplay p-value as decimals when p-value >= 0.001, and as...
freq_trueComputes the theoratical frequency of terminal digit pairs
get_benford_meanObtains Benford mean in each digit place after specifying...
get_data_columnsGrab all data column names when data_columns = 'all'
get_dfCompute the degrees of freedom for the input chi square test...
get_expected_meanObtains expected mean conforming to Benford's Law from input...
get_observed_meanObtains the observed mean from input 'data'
get_p_valueObtains p_values for comparing with Monte Carlo simulated...
get_round_unround_digitdataCreates two two copies of digitdata: • A copy with only round...
grab_desired_aligned_columnsFetches the left-aligned/right-aligned data columns for...
high_low_by_digit_placeComputes the high low digit binomial test by digit place for...
high_low_testPerforms high to low digit tests vs probability of high to...
hist_2DPlot 2d histogram given data. Either rownames or colnames...
hist_2D_variablesPlot 2d histogram with multiple variables as specified by...
hist_3dPlot 3D histogram. The display follows that rows will be...
input_checkAsserts the input to user accessible functions in this...
load_Benford_tableLoads Benford contingency table
make_aligned_dataCreate the dataframe with the left/right aligned digits of...
make_cleaned_dataClean up the numeric columns of dataframe
make_numeric_dataCreate dataframe for only the numeric columns of the cleaned...
make_raw_dataLoad raw dataframe from file or from passed-in dataframe
make_sub_digitdataCreate a sub-object of the 'digitdata' object given the...
max_lengthFind the length of the largest number in a data column
number_ticksStackOverflow method to specify number of ticks for...
n_zeros_patternGives an array of strings of zeros from length 1 to n. Helper...
obtain_observationParse cleaned digits table from 'parse_digit_places' to...
omit_rounded_numbersOmits the numbers that are qualified as rounded numbers...
padding_testPerforms padding test vs simulations of Benford conforming...
parse_contingency_tableParse the contingency table to have exclusively the desired...
parse_digit_placesObtain exclusively the desired digit places for left aligned...
plot_aggregate_histogramPlot aggregated histogram for each digit weighted average...
plot_all_digit_testPlots the relevant plots for obseravtion table in...
plot_multiple_hist2dPlot multiple plots on a single image
plot_table_by_columnsPlot 2D histogram on digits frequency on each digit place in...
process_digit_dataCreate an object instance for 'DigitAnalysis'. Parse and...
repeat_testPerforms repeat test across 'break_out' category.
replicate_ELL_10_testsReplicates Ensingmer & Leder-Luis 10 Tests
rounding_testPerforms rounding test vs uniform distribution across...
sector_testPerforms sector test to analyze uneven distribution of...
single_all_digits_testHelper function for 'all_digits_test' to perform a single all...
single_column_alignedFetches the left/right aligned table for a single numeric...
single_high_low_testPerform a single high low test. Helper function for...
single_padding_testPerform a single padding test. Helper function for...
uniform_tableThe dataset for contingency table of each digit in each digit...
unpacking_round_number_splitGet the indexes of round and unround entries in the specified...
unpack_round_numbers_testPerforms unpack rounded number test by performing all-digit...
jlederluis/digitanalysis documentation built on Nov. 5, 2023, 11:46 a.m.