Man pages for jlivsey/sigex
Ecce Signum: Multivariate Signal Extraction

ar_adjointar_adjoint - Documentation update needed
ARMAautocompute the autocovariance function of an ARMA process
auto_VARMAcomputes autocovariances of SVARMA usng frequency domain
bfsBusiness Formation Statistics Weekly Data
complexExpcomplexExp - Documentation update needed
daily2monthlyConverts a daily time series to a monthly time series
date2dayConverts month-day-year date, and returns day index
datefinderconverts a date in month-day-year format and finds the day of...
day2dateconverts a day index to a date in month-day-year format
day2weekconverts a date in month-day-year format and finds the day of...
getEigenValuesEigenvalue decompostion
getGCDcomputes the generalized Cholesky decomposition
getholGenerates holiday regressors from holiday dates
mvar.forecastCompute multi-step forecasts and predictors of a multivariate...
mvar.midcastCompute multi-step imputations and predictors of a...
polymul_matpolumul_mat - Documentation update needed
polymulMatcompute the product of two matrix polynomials
polymultpolymult - Documentation update needed
polysumcompute the sum of two polynomials,
sigex.acfCompute the autocovariance function of a differenced latent...
sigex.addBuild the model by adding on another latent component
sigex.adhocextractComputes signal extractions and MSE from an ad hoc filter
sigex.blocktoepGenerates lower triangular array for block Toeplitz matrix
sigex.bundleBundles into a list object several features
sigex.canonizeCompute canonization of a given ARMA process
sigex.castComputes forecasts and aftcasts, without uncertainty; a...
sigex.castextractFormats cast estimates with two standard errors
sigex.conditionsComputes condition number for a covariance matrix
sigex.constrainregDetermines constraint matrix for regressors
sigex.daily2weeklyEmbeds a daily time series as a weekly time series
sigex.defaultInitializes param with zeroes according to the constraints
sigex.deltaCompute differencing polynomial with factors omitted
sigex.eta2psiTransform eta to psi
sigex.extractComputes signal extraction estimates with two standard errors
sigex.fixedComputes all nontrend fixed regression effects
sigex.frfComputes signal extraction filter frequency response function
sigex.gausscheckWrapper for Shapiro-Wilks test of normality
sigex.getcycleCompute AR and MA polynomials for Butterworth and Balanced...
sigex.getfrfComputes frequency response function for desired signal and...
sigex.glrComputes the difference of -2*log(Gaussian likelihood) for...
sigex.graphAdds signal extraction estimates, with shaded bands, to an...
sigex.hi2lowEmbeds a given high frequency filter as a low frequency...
sigex.i2ragReads in a multivariate time series and generates a list of...
sigex.likComputes -2*log(Gaussian likelihood) of model
sigex.loadLoad data into a time series object
sigex.lpfilteringCompute signal extraction estimates with uncertainty for...
sigex.lpmseComputes signal extraction mse arising from LP filtering of...
sigex.lpwkComputes signal extraction filter coefficients for trend and...
sigex.meaninitAdds trend regressors to an existing model
sigex.midcastComputes predictors for variables at various indices
sigex.mlefitFit model to the data using ML estimation
sigex.momfitComputes initial parameter estimates by method of moments
sigex.mvar2uvarTransform multivariate parameters to implied univariate form
sigex.par2psiTransform param to psi
sigex.par2zetaTransform param to zeta
sigex.param2gcdUtility that takes a real vector and inserts as entries of a...
sigex.portmanteauComputes the portmanteau statistic for residuals
sigex.precisionCompares signal extraction MSE arising from multivariate fit...
sigex.prepApplies some preliminary transformations to the data
sigex.psi2etaTransform psi to eta
sigex.psi2parTransform psi to param
sigex.rag2iRead multivariate time series and insert 1i for indicated...
sigex.reduceDetermine a reduced rank model from a given fitted model
sigex.regAdds regressors to an existing model
sigex.renderpdModifies a covariance matrix so that it is pd
sigex.residComputes residuals from Gaussian likelihood of model
sigex.signalComputes signal extraction matrix and error covariance matrix
sigex.signalcheckComputes model-based signal extraction diagnostics
sigex.simSimulate a stochastic process
sigex.specarPlot AR spectrum of input time series
sigex.spectraComputes scalar part of spectrum of a differenced latent...
sigex.transformApplies aggregation, followed by transformations to the data
sigex.tstatsComputes t statistics for parameter estimates
sigex.weekly2dailyDe-embeds a weekly time series as a daily time series
sigex.whichtrendDetermines which component (index) corresponds to trend
sigex.whittleComputes Whittle likelihood of model
sigex.wkComputes signal extraction filter coefficients and MSE
sigex.wkextractComputes signal extractions and MSE via WK method
sigex.wkmseSignal extraction error spectrum from bi-infinite sample
sigex.zeta2parTransform zeta to param
sigex.zetalenComputes the length of zeta
specFactCompute the spectral factorization of a given p.d. sequence
specFactmvarCompute the spectral factorization of a given multivariate...
ubgeneratorCompute the product of unit root differencing operators.
var2.par2preGenerates a stable dimension N VAR(p) process
var2.pre2parGenerates a stable dimension N VAR(p) process
VARMAautoComputes autocovariances of VARMA
VARMA_autocomputes autocovariances of VARMA
var.par2pregenerates a stable dimension N VAR(p) process
var.pre2pargenerates a stable dimension N VAR(p) process
weekly2dateobtain start and end dates for a weekly time series
x11filtersGenerates x11 trend, seasonal, and seasonal adjustment...
jlivsey/sigex documentation built on May 25, 2024, 4:17 a.m.