sigex.acf: Compute the autocovariance function of a differenced latent...

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sigex.acfR Documentation

Compute the autocovariance function of a differenced latent component


Background: A sigex model consists of process x = sum y, for stochastic components y. Each component process y_t is either stationary or is reduced to stationarity by application of a differencing polynomial delta(B), i.e. w_t = delta(B) y_t is stationary. We have a model for each w_t process, and can compute its autocovariance function (acf), and denote its autocovariance generating function (acgf) via gamma_w (B). Sometimes we may over-difference, which means applying a differencing polynomial eta(B) that contains delta(B) as a factor: eta(B) = delta(B)*nu(B). Then eta(B) y_t = nu(B) w_t, and the corresponding acgf is nu(B) * nu(B^-1) * gamma_w (B).


sigex.acf(L.par, D.par, mdl, comp, mdlPar, delta, maxlag, freqdom = FALSE)



Unit lower triangular matrix in GCD of the component's white noise covariance matrix.


Vector of logged entries of diagonal matrix in GCD of the component's white noise covariance matrix.


The specified sigex model, a list object


Index of the latent component


This is the portion of param corresponding to mdl[[2]], cited as param[[3]]


Differencing polynomial (corresponds to eta(B) in Background) written in format c(delta0,delta1,...,deltad)


Number of autocovariances required


A flag, indicating whether frequency domain acf routine should be used.


Notes: this function computes the over-differenced acgf, it is presumed that the given eta(B) contains the needed delta(B) for that particular component. Conventions: ARMA and VAR models use minus convention for (V)AR polynomials, and additive convention for (V)MA polynomials. SARMA and SVARMA use minus convention for all polynomials.


x.acf: matrix of dimension N x N*maxlag, consisting of autocovariance matrices stacked horizontally

jlivsey/sigex documentation built on May 25, 2024, 4:17 a.m.