download_norb_small: Download Small NORB

View source: R/norb.R

download_norb_smallR Documentation

Download Small NORB


Download Small NORB database of images of toys.


  base_url = "",
  verbose = FALSE



Base URL that the files are located at.


If TRUE, then download progress will be logged as a message.


A data frame with 18,439 variables:

c0px1, c0px2, c0px3 ... c0px9216

Integer pixel value, from 0 (white) to 255 (black) for the first image in the pair

c1px1, c1px2, c1px3 ... c1px9216

Integer pixel value, from 0 (white) to 255 (black) for the second image in the pair


The index of the toy in a particular category, represented by a factor in the range 0-9. The training set consists of instances 0, 1, 2, 3 and 5, and the test set consists of 4, 6, 7, 8 and 9.


The elevation of the camera represented by a factor in the range 0-8. These represent elevations of 30 to 70 degrees from the horizontal, in increments of 5 degrees.


The azimuth, represented by a factor in the range 0, 2, 4 .. 34. Multiply by ten to get the value in degrees.


The lighting condition, represened by a factor in the range 0-5.


The toy category, represented by a factor in the range 0-4.


Whether the toy in is in the training or testing set, represented by a factor


The name of the toy category associated with Label, represented by a factor.

The pixel features are organized row-wise from the top left of each image. The Label levels correspond to:


Four-legged animal


Human figure







There are 48,600 items in the data set. The first 24,300 are the training set, and the remaining 24,300 are the testing set, but you can also use the Split column to determine which split a given row is in.

Items in the dataset can be visualized with the show_norb_object function.

For more information see


Downloads the image and label files for the training and test datasets and converts them to a data frame.

The Small NORB dataset contains images of 50 toys. The toys are divided into five categories (animal, human, airplane, truck, car) with ten examples per category. Each object was then images under 6 different lighting conditions, 9 elevations and 18 different azimuths, so there are 972 images per toy. The process was then repeated with a different camera, so there are actually 972 * 2 = 1944 images per toy. This dataset stores each pair of images for a given toy, lighting, elevation and azimuth as a single row. Each image is 96 * 96 pixels, so the first 9,216 columns contain the pixels of the first image, and the second 9,216 (9217:18432) columns contain the pixels of the second image. The other information (lighting and so on) are also stored as factors.


Data frame containing Small NORB dataset.


The Small NORB Dataset, v1.0

LeCun, Y., Huang, F. J., & Bottou, L. (2004, June). Learning methods for generic object recognition with invariance to pose and lighting. In IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2004 (pp. 97-104). IEEE.


## Not run: 
# download the data set
norb <- download_norb_small(verbose = TRUE)

# first 24,300 instances are the training set
norb_train <- head(norb, 24300)
# the remaining 24,300 are the test set
norb_test <- tail(norb, 24300)

# Or equivalently
norb_train <- norb[norb$Split == "training", ]
norb_test <- norb[norb$Split == "testing", ]

identical(norb_train, norb_train2) # TRUE
identical(norb_test, norb_test2) # also TRUE

# PCA on 1000 examples
norb_r1000 <- norb[sample(nrow(norb), 1000), ]
pca <- prcomp(norb_r1000[, 1:(96 * 96 * 2)], retx = TRUE, rank. = 2)
# plot the scores of the first two components
plot(pca$x[, 1:2], type = "n")
text(pca$x[, 1:2],
  labels = norb_r1000$Label,
  col = rainbow(length(levels(norb$Label)))[norb_r1000$Label]

## End(Not run)

jlmelville/snedata documentation built on Jan. 13, 2024, 2:06 a.m.