snedata: snedata: Dataset functions for Stochastic Neighbor Embedding...

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snedata: Dataset functions for Stochastic Neighbor Embedding and related dimensionality reduction methods.


Functions to download or generate some datasets commonly used for benchmarking various dimensionality reduction methods.

Simulation functions

Very simple datasets for characterizing the behavior of various embedding algorithms some, from Lee et al (2016) and Agrafiotis and Xu (2002).

  • swiss_roll. A 2D plane curled into 3D.

  • sphere. Points sampled from the surface of a 3D sphere.

  • ball. Points sampled from the interior of a 3D sphere.

  • helix. Points sampled from a 3D toroidal helix with the ends jointed together.

Simulation functions from "How to use t-SNE Effectively"

An online article from Wattenberg et al (2016), this runs t-SNE live in your browser. Much of the data pertains to investigating the behavior of clusters of gaussians of varying dimensionality, heterogeneity and relative separation. There's quite a lot of functions:

  • circle_data. A 2D circle.

  • cube_data. A cube.

  • gaussian_data. A Gaussian.

  • grid_data. A 2D grid.

  • link_data. Two linked circles.

  • long_cluster_data. Two long parallel clusters.

  • long_gaussian_data. A gaussian with unequal standard deviation in its dimensions.

  • ortho_curve. Points related by mutually orthogonal steps.

  • random_circle_cluster_data. Points sampled from a circle and jittered.

  • random_circle_cluster_data. Points randomly sampled from the circumference of a circle.

  • random_circle_cluster_data. Points generated from a random walk with an extra gaussian perturbation.

  • random_walk. Points generated from a random walk.

  • simplex_data. Points arranged as a rough simplex.

  • subset_clusters_data. A small cluster inside a larger one.

  • three_clusters_data. Points sampled from three gaussian clusters with unequal relative distances.

  • trefoil_data. Points sampled in the shape of 3D trefoil knot.

  • two_clusters_data. Two gaussian clusters.

  • two_different_clusters_data. Two gaussian clusters, with differing standard deviations.

  • unlink_data. Two unlinked circles.

Faces dataset functions

If you have the RnavGraphImageData package installed and loaded, then there are functions to convert the Olivetti and Frey faces datasets into a row-based format, and functions to visualize the images.

  • frey_faces. Loads the Frey faces as a row-based data frame.

  • show_frey_face. Display one of the poses from the Frey faces.

  • olivetti_faces. Loads the Olivetti faces as a row-based data frame.

  • show_olivetti_face. Display one of the poses from the Olivetti faces.

MNIST dataset functions

Another (much larger) image dataset is the MNIST digits dataset, available from Functions are available to download the dataset as a data frame and visualize individual digits:

  • download_mnist. Downloads the MNIST dataset files as a row-based data frame.

  • show_mnist_digit. Display one of the MNIST digits.

Fashion-MNIST functions

The Fashion-MNIST dataset (Xiao et al. 2017) is designed as a drop-in replacement


The faces datasets originate from Sam Roweis' dataset web page:

Code to download and visualize the MNIST digits and fashion datasets originates from a gist by Brendan O'Connor:


Agrafiotis, D. K., & Xu, H. (2002). A self-organizing principle for learning nonlinear manifolds. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 99(25), 15869-15872.

Lee, J. A., Peluffo-Ordo'nez, D. H., & Verleysen, M. (2015). Multi-scale similarities in stochastic neighbour embedding: Reducing dimensionality while preserving both local and global structure. Neurocomputing, 169, 246-261.

Wattenberg, M., Vie'gas, F., & Johnson, I. (2016) How to Use t-SNE Effectively. Distill

Xiao, H., Kashif, R., & Vollgraf, R. (2017). Fashion-MNIST: a Novel Image Dataset for Benchmarking Machine Learning Algorithms. arXiv preprint arXiv:1708.07747.


# 300 points sampled from the surface of a sphere
sphere300 <- sphere(n = 300)

# 150 points sampled from a toroidal helix with 30 coils:
helix150 <- helix(n = 150, nwinds = 30)

# 150 points from a filled sphere:
ball150 <- ball(n = 150)

# 100 points from a "Swiss Roll" distribution:
swiss100 <- swiss_roll(n = 100)

# 50 points from a 2D gaussian
g2d <- gaussian_data(n = 50, dim = 2)

## Not run: 
# Load RnavGraphImageData

# Load the Frey faces dataset with each image as a row
frey <- frey_faces()
# Display the first pose
show_frey_face(frey, 1)

# Load the Olivetti faces dataset with each image as a row
olivetti <- olivetti_faces()
# Show the second pose of the first face
show_olivetti_face(olivetti, 1, 2)

## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
# fetch the MNIST data set from the MNIST website
mnist <- download_mnist()
# view the fifth digit
show_mnist_digit(mnist, 5)

# first 60,000 instances are the training set
mnist_train <- head(mnist, 60000)
# the remaining 10,000 are the test set
mnist_test <- tail(mnist, 10000)

# PCA on 1000 random training examples
mnist_r1000 <- mnist_train[sample(nrow(mnist_train), 1000), ]

pca <- prcomp(mnist_r1000[, 1:784], retx = TRUE, rank. = 2)
# plot the scores of the first two components
plot(pca$x[, 1:2], type = "n")
text(pca$x[, 1:2],
  labels = mnist_r1000$Label, cex = 0.5,
  col = rainbow(length(levels(mnist_r1000$Label)))[mnist_r1000$Label]

# save to disk
save(mnist, file = "mnist.Rda")

## End(Not run)

## Not run: 
# fetch the Fashion-MNIST data
fashion <- download_fashion_mnist()

# You can repeat the same example as with the MNIST digits example.
# Shows the fifth Fashion-MNIST "digit" (actually a dress)
show_mnist_digit(fashion, 5)

# and so on...

## End(Not run)

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