isSnp-methods: Methods for Function isSnp in package oligoClasses~~

Description Methods


~~ Methods for function isSnp in package oligoClasses ~~


Return an indicator for whether the marker is polymorphic (value 1) or nonpolymorphic (value 0).

signature(object = "character", pkgname = "character")

Return an indicator for whether the vector of marker identifiers in object is polymorphic. pkgname must be one of the supported annotation packages specific to the platform.

signature(object = "eSet", pkgname = "ANY")

If 'isSnp' is included in fvarLabels(object), an indicator for polymorphic markers is returned. Otherwise, an error is thrown.

signature(object = "GenomeAnnotatedDataFrame", pkgname = "ANY")

Accessor for indicator of whether the marker is polymorphic. If annotation was not available due to a missing or non-existent annotation package, the value returned by the accessor will be a vector of zero's.

jmacdon/oligoClasses documentation built on Aug. 11, 2020, 12:32 a.m.