Man pages for jmarlab/attract
Methods to Find the Gene Expression Modules that Represent the Drivers of Kauffman's Attractor Landscape

AttractorModuleSet-classClass AttractorModuleSet
attract-packageMethods to find the Gene Expression Modules that Represent...
buildCorMatrixInternal function - builds the correlation matrix between an...
buildCustomIncidenceMatrixThis function builds an incidence matrix for custom gene...
buildKeggIncidenceMatrixInternal function - buildings the KEGG incidence matrix...
calcFuncSynexprsFunctional enrichmental analysis for a set of synexpression...
calcInformFunction calculates the informativeness metric (average MSS)...
calcModfstatFunction calculates a modified F-statistic for a set of...
calcRssFunction calculates the average RSS for a set of cluster...
exprs.datGene Expression Matrix of Published Data
filterDataSetThis function filters our lowly expressed genes in RNAseq...
findAttractorsInfers the set of cell-lineage specific gene expression...
findCorrPartnersDetermines Genes with Highly Correlated Expression Profiles...
findOnepwaySynexprsInternal function - finds the synexpression groups for a...
findSynexprsThis function finds the synexpression groups present within a...
flagPwayExistsInternal function - flags a gene if it exists in a pathway.
getCustomGenesFunction removes genes from the custom pathway that...
getPwayGenesFunction removes genes from the chosen pathway that...
loring.esetAn ExpressionSet Object containing published data from M?ller...
plotsynexprsVisualizing the Average Expression Profile of a Synexpression...
removeFlatGenesFlags a set of genes which demonstrates little variation... Contains the Sample Information for the Mueller...
subset.loring.esetAn ExpressionSet Object containing published data from M?ller...
SynExpressionSet-classClass SynExpressionSet
jmarlab/attract documentation built on May 23, 2019, 9:02 p.m.