filter_combine: Filter combine

View source: R/filter-combine.R

filter_combineR Documentation

Filter combine


Filters a data frame then binds the result with it (with names).


filter_combine(x, ..., .id, .names)



A data.frame


Arguments passed on to dplyr::filter



<tidy-select> Optionally, a selection of columns to group by for just this operation, functioning as an alternative to group_by(). For details and examples, see ?dplyr_by.


When .id is supplied, a new column of identifiers is created to link each row to its original data frame. The labels are taken from '.names'


vector of characters for the

See Also

[dplyr::filter()] and [dplyr::bind_rows()]

jmbarbone/jordanExtra documentation built on Aug. 4, 2023, 5:37 p.m.