Man pages for jmbuhr/ShinyLipids

addLipidPropertiesAdd Lipid properties
collectLipidClassOrderLipid Class Order
collectMetaDataCollect metadata from database
collectRawDataCollect raw data from database
createDatabaseCreate your own database
createHeatmapCreate a Heatmap from data
createMainPlotCreate the main plot
createPcaPrepCreate prepped pca recipe
createPlotDataCreate the data ready for plotting
createQueryForIDGenerate SQL Query for the selected dataset
createWideDataCreate wide data
defaultInputGenerate list of default options
doAllPairwiseComparisonsTest all possible pairwise t-tests
filterIfNotNullFilter if not null
filterRawDataForFilter raw data
imputeMissingIfImpute implicit missing values as 0
mainScaleCreate color scale
parseDateMake a date
pipePipe operator
run_appRun the Shiny Application
standardizeWithinStandardize raw data
standardizeWithinTechnicalReplicatesIfStandardize data within technical replicates
summarisePlotDataSummarise the plot data
testAllMoreThanOneReplicateTest that all samples have more than one replicate
testPairwisePairwise t-tests
updateAllRangeInputsCustom update range input
updateAllSelectizeInputsCustom update selectize input
jmbuhr/ShinyLipids documentation built on June 25, 2021, 2:26 a.m.