
#' Segmenting African Market From African Development Bank Group
#' @details
#' Status of the projects are approved, ongoing, lending and pipeline
#' @export
getAmount <- function (xx, yy){
  w <- xml2::read_html(xx)

  if ( stringr::str_trim(yy) == "approved" || stringr::str_trim(yy) == "ongoing"){
    z <- rvest::html_nodes(w,"table")
    z <- rvest::html_table(z)[[1]]
    colnames(z) <- c("A","B")
    amount <- dplyr::filter(z,stringr::str_trim(tolower(A)) %in% "total")
    amount <- stringr::str_replace_all(amount[2], "[:alpha:]", "")
    z <- rvest::html_nodes (w,"table tbody")
    z <- rvest::html_text(z)
    amount <- stringr::str_replace_all(z, "[:alpha:]", "")
    amount <- stringr::str_trim (amount)
  return (stringr::str_trim(amount))
#'Deal with the date
#' @export
dt_range <- function(x, a, b){
  x <= b &  x>= a
jmcimula/afdbr documentation built on May 19, 2019, 1:52 p.m.