
Defines functions genComp

Documented in genComp

#' Generate all, or a subset, of the integer partitions of an integer n.
#' This function will return either all, or a length restricted subset of the
#' integer partitions of an integer n. The method works by considering
#' compositions rather than partions, hence the name.
#' This function will return all partions, or a subset, of an integer n. It
#' makes no check to see if this is a sensible thing to do. It also does it in
#' a lazy way in that in the restricted case it generates all partitions and
#' then only returns those that satistfy the length constraint. Users are
#' advised to check how many partitions are possible using partition number
#' function which is implemented the \code{P} function in the \pkg{partions}
#' package. Having said this P(50) is approximately 200 thousand, and P(100)
#' around 190 million, so the function should work well for smallish n.
#' @param n A positive non-zero integer
#' @param len Either logical \code{TRUE}, or an integer less than or equal to
#' \code{n}. If the latter form is used then only those partions of length less
#' than or equal to len are returned
#' @param addZeros If true then the empty partitions are added to the list of
#' partitions.
#' @return A list with each list element representing an integer partition
#' @note This function does not warn the user that the requested set of
#' partitions may be very large. In addition, all working is handled entirely
#' in memory, and so this may cause it to crash if the request is
#' execeptionally large.
#' @author Jerome Kelleher (algorithm and Python version) and James M. Curran
#' (C++ version/R interface)
#' @references Kelleher, J. (2005), Encoding Partitions As Ascending
#' Compositions, PhD thesis, University College Cork.
#' Kelleher, J. and O'Sullivan, B. (2009), Generating All Partitions: A
#' Comparison Of Two Encodings, \url{https://arxiv.org/abs/0909.2331}.
#' Kelleher, J. (2010) Generating Integer
#' Partitions,\url{https://jeromekelleher.net/tag/integer-partitions.html}.
#' @keywords partitions
#' @examples
#' ## a small numeric example with all 11 partitions of 6
#' genComp(6)
#' ## a small example with the integer partitions of 6 of length 3 with empty partitions added
#' genComp(6, 3, TRUE)
#' ## a larger example - 627 partions of 20, but restricted to those of length 3 or smaller
#' genComp(20, 3)
#' @export genComp
genComp = function(n, len = TRUE, addZeros = FALSE){
  regularize = function(x, regLen){
    return(c(x, rep(0, regLen - length(x))))
  if(len & is.logical(len)){
    l = generateCompositions(n)
      l = lapply(l, regularize, regLen = n)
  }else if(is.numeric(len) & len <= n) {
    constraintFn = function(l){
      if(length(l) <= len)
    l = generateCompositions(n)
    l = l[sapply(l, constraintFn)]
      l = lapply(l, regularize, regLen = len)
jmcurran/multicool documentation built on Feb. 11, 2024, 5:10 a.m.