Man pages for jmigueldelgado/hydraulics

Actual_retentionActual volume in retention structure
calc_dThetachange in the moisture content when the wetting front passes
calc_ftpotential infiltration rate ft
calc_Ftcumulative infiltration Ft
calc_phibrooks-correy equation for wetting front capillary pressure...
calc_seeffective saturation
case1cumulative infiltration rate *Ft* if ft is less than or equal...
case2cumulative infiltration rate *F* if ft is greater than i_t...
case3cumulative infiltration rate *F* if ft is less than or equal...
define_obj_Qpipedefine objects
define_obj_Qret_strdefine objects
define_obj_Qsbdefine objects
inlet_timetime of concentration upstream of sewers in minutes, based on...
Q_muskingumMuskingum's effluent in pipe or catchment reach as in the...
Qoutflow_ret_strOutflow from retention structure
Qoverflow_ret_strOverflow from retention structure
Virtual_retentionVirtual volume in retention structure
V_muskingumStored volume in step i. from the documentation of citydrain...
jmigueldelgado/hydraulics documentation built on May 29, 2019, 1:05 a.m.