get_barrier_segments: Identify track points that intersect with a barrier polygon

View source: R/get_barrier_segments.R

get_barrier_segmentsR Documentation

Identify track points that intersect with a barrier polygon


This function identifies the segments of consecutive points that intersect with the barrier polygon feature. The result is a data frame of segment records that identify portions of the track that will need to be re-routed. The result from this function can be directly passed into the prt_nearestnode().


get_barrier_segments(trkpts, barrier)



Simple Feature points ('sf', 'sfc_POINT'/'sfc_MULTIPOINT') that represent track points. Order is accepted as is and the bounding box of trkpts should be within the bounding box of the barrier polygon.


Simple Feature polygon ('sf', 'sfc_POLYGON'/'sfc_MULTIPOLYGON') representing the barrier feature. Should be the same barrier as supplied to the prt_visgraph() function.


data.frame representing segments of consecutive points that intersect with barrier feature. the start_pt and end_pt geometry columns represent the bookend points for each segment that do not intersect with the barrier feature. The n_pts column is the number of points to be re-routed.

jmlondon/pathroutr documentation built on Sept. 18, 2023, 6:09 p.m.