prt_reroute: Re-route track points around barrier feature

View source: R/prt_reroute.R

prt_rerouteR Documentation

Re-route track points around barrier feature


This is a convenience wrapper, and the suggested function, for re-routing a trkpts series of ordered POINT features around a barrier polygon via vis_graph built with the prt_visgraph() function. The output can be used as a starting point for a custom process to replace the original geometry. Or, provide the output tibble directly to prt_update_points() along with trkpts for simply updating in place.


prt_reroute(trkpts, barrier, vis_graph, blend = TRUE)



Simple Feature points ('sf', 'sfc_POINT'/'sfc_MULTIPOINT') that represent track points. Order is accepted as is and the bounding box of trkpts should be within the bounding box of the barrier polygon.


Simple Feature polygon ('sf', 'sfc_POLYGON'/'sfc_MULTIPOLYGON') representing the barrier feature. Should be the same barrier as supplied to the prt_visgraph() function.


sfnetwork from prt_visgraph()


boolean whether to blend start/end points into network


a two-column tibble with column fid representing the row index in trkpts to be replaced by the new geometry in geometry column. If trkpts and barrier do not spatially intersect and empty tibble is returned.

jmlondon/pathroutr documentation built on Sept. 18, 2023, 6:09 p.m.