jmp75/efts: High-Level Functions to Read and Write Ensemble Forecast Time Series in netCDF

The binary file format 'netCDF' is developed primarily for climate, ocean and meteorological data, and 'efts' is a package to read and write Ensemble Forecast Time Series data in 'netCDF'. 'netCDF' has traditionally been used to store time slices of gridded data, rather than complete time series of point data. 'efts' facilitates data handling stored in 'netCDF' files that follow a convention devised in the domain of ensemble hydrologic forecasting, but possibly applicable in other domains. 'efts' uses reference class objects to provide a high level interface to read and write such data, wrapping lower level operations performed using 'ncdf4'.

Getting started

Package details

AuthorJean-Michel Perraud [aut, cre]
MaintainerJean-Michel Perraud <>
Package repositoryView on GitHub
Installation Install the latest version of this package by entering the following in R:
jmp75/efts documentation built on Sept. 3, 2024, 7:13 a.m.