efts-package: Accessing ensemble forecast time series (EFTS) data set...

efts-packageR Documentation

Accessing ensemble forecast time series (EFTS) data set stored in netCDF formats


Accessing ensemble forecast time series (EFTS) data set stored in netCDF formats


Package: efts
Type: Package
Version: 0.9-1
Date: 2019-02-06
Release Notes: Facilities and stricter checks for compliance with netCDF EFTS conventions. Fixes for addressing feedback from previous CRAN submission.
License: GPL-2

Accessing ensemble forecast time series (EFTS) data set stored in netCDF formats, without the need for lower-level ncdf4 operations. See open_efts create_efts for code examples to read/write files using this package.

This work was carried out in the CSIRO Water for Healthy Country National Research Flagship and was supported by the Water Information Research and Development Alliance between CSIRO and the Australian Bureau of Meteorology.

Version Date Notes
0.9.0 2018-04-22 Facilities and stricter checks for compliance with netCDF EFTS conventions. Fixes for addressing feedback from previous CRAN submission.
0.8.0 2018-04-08 Improve and test subsetting and reordering of multidimensional arrays retrieved via ncdf4. Remove issues in 'R CMD check' for first CRAN submission
0.7.0 2018-02-14 Initial commit to github
0.6.x 2017 Non public releases of a package originally used only for unit test purposes


Jean-Michel Perraud jean-michel.perraud_at_csiro.au

jmp75/efts documentation built on Sept. 3, 2024, 7:13 a.m.