EftsDataSet-class: Reference class convenient for access to a Ensemble Forecast...

EftsDataSet-classR Documentation

Reference class convenient for access to a Ensemble Forecast Time Series in netCDF file.


Reference class convenient for access to a Ensemble Forecast Time Series in netCDF file.



a cached POSIXct vector, the values for the time dimension of the data set.


the time zone for the time dimensions of this data set.


a cache, list of values of the primary data identifiers; e.g. station_name or station_id


name of the variable that stores the names of the stations for this data set.


get_all_series(variable_name = "rain_obs", dimension_id = get_stations_varname())

Return a multivariate time series, where each column is the series for one of the identifiers (e.g. rainfall station identifiers)


Gets the name of all dimensions in the data set

get_ensemble_for_stations(variable_name = "rain_sim", identifier, dimension_id = "ens_member", start_time = NA, lead_time_count = NA)

Return a time series, representing a single ensemble member forecast for all stations over the lead time

get_ensemble_forecasts(variable_name = "rain_sim", identifier, dimension_id = get_stations_varname(), start_time = NA, lead_time_count = NA)

Return a time series, ensemble of forecasts over the lead time

get_ensemble_forecasts_for_station(variable_name = "rain_sim", identifier, dimension_id = get_stations_varname())

Return an array, representing all ensemble member forecasts for a single stations over all lead times

get_ensemble_series(variable_name = "rain_ens", identifier, dimension_id = get_stations_varname())

Return an ensemble of point time series for a station identifier


Length of the ensemble size dimension


Length of the lead time dimension


Gets the time units of a read time series, i.e. "hours since forecast time". Returns the string "hours"


Gets the values for the lead time dimension (typically, lead time steps since forecast issue time)

get_single_series(variable_name = "rain_obs", identifier, dimension_id = get_stations_varname())

Return a single point time series for a station identifier. Falls back on get_all_series if the argument "identifier" is missing


Length of the lead time dimension


Gets the name of the variable that has the station identifiers


Gets the time dimension variable as a vector of date-time stamps


Gets the time units of a read time series, i.e. "hours since 2015-10-04 00:00:00 +1030". Returns the string "hours"


Gets the time zone to use for the read time series

get_utc_offset(as_string = TRUE)

Gets the time zone to use for the read time series, i.e. "hours since 2015-10-04 00:00:00 +1030". Returns the string "+1030" or "-0845" if as_string is TRUE, or a lubridate Duration object if FALSE


Gets (and cache in memory) all the values in a variable. Should be used only for dimension variables


Gets the names of the dimensions that define the geometry of a given variable


Gets the name of all variables in the data set

index_for_identifier(identifier, dimension_idifier = get_stations_varname())

Gets the index at which an identifier is found in a dimension variable


Gets the index at which a date-time is found in the main time axis of this data set

initialize(nc = NULL)

Create an object wrapping an ncdf4 object

put_ensemble_forecasts(x, variable_name = "rain_sim", identifier, dimension_id = get_stations_varname(), start_time = NA)

Puts one or more ensemble forecast into a netCDF file

put_ensemble_forecasts_for_station(x, variable_name = "rain_sim", identifier, dimension_id = "ens_member", start_time = NA)

Puts a single ensemble member forecasts for all stations into a netCDF file

put_ensemble_series(x, variable_name = "rain_ens", identifier, dimension_id = get_stations_varname())

Puts an ensemble of time series, e.g. replicate rainfall series


Sets the values for the lead time dimension

put_single_series(x, variable_name = "rain_obs", identifier, dimension_id = get_stations_varname(), start_time = NA)

Puts a time series, or part thereof

put_values(x, variable_name)

Puts all the values in a variable. Should be used only for dimension variables


Sets the time zone to use for the read time series


Print a summary of this EFTS netCDF file

See Also

See create_efts and open_efts for examples on how to read or write EFTS netCDF files using this dataset.

jmp75/efts documentation built on Sept. 3, 2024, 7:13 a.m.