
Defines functions pardot_email_stats

Documented in pardot_email_stats

#' Retrieve Pardot Email Stats
#' Make a call to the Pardot API and return the statistical data for the specified email.
#' @param list_email_id The Pardot ID of the target email.
#' @param verbose Verbose output. See pardot_client(). 
#' @return A data frame.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' set_credentials("your-username", "your-password", "your-user-key")
#' df <- pardot_email_stats(list_email_id = 747447245)}
#' @export pardot_email_stats
#' @import pryr

pardot_email_stats <- function(list_email_id, verbose = 0, ...) {
	# Evaluate parameters in the context of the parent environment,
	# combine parameters to a querystring e.g. param1=value1&param2=value2&...
    dots <- lapply(pryr::named_dots(...), function(p) {
        eval(p, parent.frame())
    request_pars <- paste(paste(names(dots), unlist(dots), sep = "="), collapse = "&")
    pardot_client("email", "stats", identifier_field = "id", identifier = list_email_id, request_pars = request_pars, verbose = verbose)  
jmurray0568/pardot4 documentation built on May 27, 2019, 2 a.m.