exp2signed: exponentiate log2 values with directionality

exp2signedR Documentation

exponentiate log2 values with directionality


exponentiate log2 values with directionality


exp2signed(x, offset = 1, base = 2, ...)



numeric vector


numeric value indicating the logarithmic base used. For example base=2 indicates values were transformed using log2().


additional arguments are ignored.


offset, subtracted from exponentiated values prior to multiplying by the sign(x).


This function is the reciprocal to log2signed().

It #' exponentiates the absolute values of x, then subtracts the offset, then multiplies results by the sign(x).

The offset is typically used to maintain directionality of values during log transformation by requiring all absolute values to be 1 or larger, thus by default offset=1.


numeric vector of exponentiated values.

See Also

Other jam practical functions: breakDensity(), checkLightMode(), check_pkg_installed(), colNum2excelName(), color_dither(), diff_functions(), fileInfo(), fixYellow(), getAxisLabel(), handleArgsText(), heads(), isFALSEV(), isTRUEV(), jamba, jargs(), kable_coloring(), lldf(), log2signed(), make_html_styles(), make_styles(), match_unique(), mergeAllXY(), middle(), minorLogTicks(), newestFile(), printDebug(), renameColumn(), rmInfinite(), rmNAs(), rmNA(), rmNULL(), sclass(), sdim(), setPrompt()


x <- c(-100:100)/10;
z <- log2signed(x);
#plot(x=x, y=z, xlab="x", ylab="log2signed(x)")
plot(x=x, y=exp2signed(z), xlab="x", ylab="exp2signed(log2signed(x))")
plot(x=z, y=exp2signed(z), xlab="log2signed(x)", ylab="exp2signed(log2signed(x))")

jmw86069/jamba documentation built on June 12, 2024, 10:28 a.m.