
# name_look_up
name_look_up <- tibble::tribble(
  ~name_old, ~name_new,
  "Phengaris arion", "Maculinea arion"
) %>%  
  tibble::deframe() %>% 

# code_look_up
code_look_up <- tibble::tribble(
  ~code_old, ~code_new,
  "S5031",   "S2624",
  "S5018",   "S2639",
  "S1078",   "S6199",
  "S1393",   "S6216",
  "S6265",   "S1058",
  "S1202",   "S6284",
  "S2640",   "S6305",
  "S2494",   "S6353",
  "S1149",   "S6963",
  "S1163",   "S6965",
  "S1207",   "S6981",
  "S1421",   "S6985"
) %>%  
  tibble::deframe() %>% 

# notes_species_look_up
notes_species_look_up <- tibble::tribble(
  ~reporting_type, ~reporting_code,                                                                                                                                                               ~field_label,     ~entity_table_name,                                  ~field_name,                   ~spreadsheet,
        "species",           "1.1",                                                                                                                                                         "1.1 Member State",         "data_species",                                    "country",        "1 General Information",
        "species",           "1.2",                                                                                                                                                         "1.2 Species code",         "data_species",                                "speciescode",        "1 General Information",
        "species",           "1.3",                                                                                                                                              "1.3 Species scientific name",         "data_species",                                "speciesname",        "1 General Information",
        "species",           "1.4",                                                                                                                                  "1.4 Alternative species scientific name",         "data_species",                    "alternative_speciesname",        "1 General Information",
        "species",           "1.5",                                                                                                                                                          "1.5 Common name",         "data_species",                         "common_speciesname",        "1 General Information",
        "species",           "2.1",                                                                                                                                                    "2.1 Sensitive species",         "data_species",                          "sensitive_species",                       "2 Maps",
        "species",           "2.2",                                                                                                                                                       "2.2 Year or Period",         "data_species",                          "distribution_date",                       "2 Maps",
        "species",           "2.3",                                                                                                                                                     "2.3 Distribution map",         "data_species",                           "distribution_map",                       "2 Maps",
        "species",           "2.4",                                                                                                                                        "2.4 Distribution map; Method used",         "data_species",                        "distribution_method",                       "2 Maps",
        "species",           "2.5",                                                                                                                                                      "2.5 Additional maps",         "data_species",                "additional_distribution_map",                       "2 Maps",
        "species",           "3.1",                                                                                                                           "3.1 Is the species take in the wild/ exploited",         "data_species",                               "wild_takings",                    "3 Annex V",
        "species",           "3.2",                                                                                                                    "3.2 Which of the measures in Art. 14 have been taken?",         "data_species",                       "whsys_measures_audit",                    "3 Annex V",
        "species",          "3.2a",                                                                                                                         "3.2a) Regulations regarding access to property?",         "data_species",                            "measures_access",                    "3 Annex V",
        "species",          "3.2b",                                                                                                        "3.2b) Temporary of local prohibition of the taking of specimens?",         "data_species",                      "measures_prohibitions",                    "3 Annex V",
        "species",          "3.2c",                                                                                                    "3.2c) Regulations of the periods and/or methods of taking specimens?",         "data_species",                           "measures_periods",                    "3 Annex V",
        "species",          "3.2d",                                                              "3.2d) Application of hunting and fishing rules which take account of the conservation of such populations?",         "data_species",                             "measures_rules",                    "3 Annex V",
        "species",          "3.2e",                                                                                          "3.2e) Establishment of a system of licences for taking specimens or of quotas?",         "data_species",                          "measures_licences",                    "3 Annex V",
        "species",          "3.2f",                                                        "3.2f) Regulations of the purchase, sale, offering for sale, keeping for sale or transport for sale of specimens?",         "data_species",               "measures_trading_legislation",                    "3 Annex V",
        "species",          "3.2g",                                                                         "3.2g) Breeding in captivity of animal species as well as artifical propagation of plant species",         "data_species",          "measures_conservation_propagation",                    "3 Annex V",
        "species",          "3.2h",                                                                                                                                                   "3.2h) Other measures?",         "data_species",                             "measures_other",                    "3 Annex V",
        "species",          "3.2h",                                                                                                           "3.2 If, other measues have been taken, describe those measures",         "data_species",                        "measures_other_info",                    "3 Annex V",
        "species",           "3.3",                                                                                       "3.3 Hunting bag or quantity taken in the wild for Mammals and Acipenseridae (Fish)",         "data_species",                     "whsys_huntingbag_audit",                    "3 Annex V",
        "species",           "3.4",                                                                                                                "3.4 Hunting bag or quantity take in the wild; Method used",         "data_species",                          "huntingbag_method",                    "3 Annex V",
        "species",           "3.5",                                                                                                                                               "3.5 Additional information",         "data_species",                                "annexV_info",                    "3 Annex V",
        "species",           "4.1",                                                                                                              "4.1 Biogeographic or marine region where the species occurs", "data_species_regions",                                     "region",        "1 General Information",
        "species",           "4.2",                                                                                                                                               "4.2 Sources of information", "data_species_regions",                                  "published",                    "4 Sources",
        "species",           "5.1",                                                                                                                                                         "5.1 Surface area", "data_species_regions",                         "range_surface_area",                      "5 Range",
        "species",           "5.2",                                                                                                                                             "5.2 Short term trend; Period", "data_species_regions",                         "range_trend_period",                      "5 Range",
        "species",           "5.3",                                                                                                                                          "5.3 Short term trend; Direction", "data_species_regions",                                "range_trend",                      "5 Range",
        "species",           "5.4",                                                                                                                                          "5.4 Short term trend; Magnitude", "data_species_regions",                          "whsys_range_trend",                      "5 Range",
        "species",          "5.4a",                                                                                                                                "5.4a Short-term trend Magnitude - Minimum", "data_species_regions",                  "range_trend_magnitude_min",                      "5 Range",
        "species",          "5.4b",                                                                                                                                "5.4b Short-term trend Magnitude - Maximum", "data_species_regions",                  "range_trend_magnitude_max",                      "5 Range",
        "species",           "5.5",                                                                                                                                        "5.5 Short term trend; Method used", "data_species_regions",                         "range_trend_method",                      "5 Range",
        "species",           "5.6",                                                                                                                                              "5.6 Long term trend; Period", "data_species_regions",                    "range_trend_long_period",                      "5 Range",
        "species",           "5.7",                                                                                                                                           "5.7 Long term trend; Direction", "data_species_regions",                           "range_trend_long",                      "5 Range",
        "species",           "5.8",                                                                                                                                           "5.8 Long term trend; Magnitude", "data_species_regions",                     "whsys_range_trend_long",                      "5 Range",
        "species",          "5.8a",                                                                                                                                 "5.8a Long-term trend Magnitude - Minimum", "data_species_regions",             "range_trend_long_magnitude_min",                      "5 Range",
        "species",          "5.8b",                                                                                                                                           "5.8b Long-term trend Magnitude", "data_species_regions",             "range_trend_long_magnitude_max",                      "5 Range",
        "species",           "5.9",                                                                                                                                         "5.9 Long term trend; Method used", "data_species_regions",                    "range_trend_long_method",                      "5 Range",
        "species",          "5.10",                                                                                                                                          "5.10 Favourable reference range", "data_species_regions",       "whsys_complementary_favourable_range",                      "5 Range",
        "species",         "5.10a",                                                                                                                            "5.10a Favourable reference range - Area (km2)", "data_species_regions",             "complementary_favourable_range",                      "5 Range",
        "species",         "5.10b",                                                                                                                              "5.10b Favourable reference range - Operator", "data_species_regions",          "complementary_favourable_range_op",                      "5 Range",
        "species",         "5.10c",                                                                                                                               "5.10c Favourable reference range - Unknown", "data_species_regions",           "complementary_favourable_range_x",                      "5 Range",
        "species",         "5.10d",                                                                                                                                "5.10d Favourable reference range - Method", "data_species_regions",      "complementary_favourable_range_method",                      "5 Range",
        "species",          "5.11",                                                                                                               "5.11 Change and reason for change in surface area of range", "data_species_regions",                         "whsys_range_change",                      "5 Range",
        "species",          "5.12",                                                                                                                                              "5.12 Additional information", "data_species_regions",                                 "range_info",                      "5 Range",
        "species",           "6.1",                                                                                                                                                       "6.1 Year or Period", "data_species_regions",                            "population_date",                 "6 Population",
        "species",           "6.2",                                                                                                                                                      "6.2 Population size", "data_species_regions",                      "whsys_population_size",                 "6 Population",
        "species",          "6.2a",                                                                                                                                              "6.2a Population size - Unit", "data_species_regions",                       "population_size_unit",                 "6 Population",
        "species",          "6.2b",                                                                                                                                           "6.2b Population size - Minimum", "data_species_regions",                        "population_size_min",                 "6 Population",
        "species",          "6.2c",                                                                                                                                           "6.2c Population size - Maximum", "data_species_regions",                        "population_size_max",                 "6 Population",
        "species",          "6.2d",                                                                                                                                "6.2d Population size -  Best single value", "data_species_regions",                            "population_size",                 "6 Population",
        "species",           "6.3",                                                                                                                                                     "6.3 Type of estimate", "data_species_regions",                   "population_estimate_type",                 "6 Population",
        "species",           "6.4",                                                                                                                                           "6.4 Additional population size", "data_species_regions",                  "whsys_population_alt_size",                 "6 Population",
        "species",          "6.4a",                                                                                                                                   "6.4a Additional population size - Unit", "data_species_regions",                   "population_alt_size_unit",                 "6 Population",
        "species",          "6.4b",                                                                                                                                "6.4b Additional population size - Minimum", "data_species_regions",                    "population_alt_size_min",                 "6 Population",
        "species",          "6.4c",                                                                                                                                "6.4c Additional population size - Maximum", "data_species_regions",                    "population_alt_size_max",                 "6 Population",
        "species",          "6.4d",                                                                                                                      "6.4d Additional population size - Best single value", "data_species_regions",                        "population_alt_size",                 "6 Population",
        "species",           "6.5",                                                                                                                                                     "6.5 Type of estimate", "data_species_regions",               "population_alt_estimate_type",                 "6 Population",
        "species",           "6.6",                                                                                                                                         "6.6 Population size; Method used", "data_species_regions",                          "population_method",                 "6 Population",
        "species",           "6.7",                                                                                                                                             "6.7 Short term trend; Period", "data_species_regions",                    "population_trend_period",                 "6 Population",
        "species",           "6.8",                                                                                                                                          "6.8 Short term trend; Direction", "data_species_regions",                           "population_trend",                 "6 Population",
        "species",           "6.9",                                                                                                                                          "6.9 Short term trend; Magnitude", "data_species_regions",           "whsys_population_trend_magnitude",                 "6 Population",
        "species",          "6.9a",                                                                                                                                "6.9a Short-term trend Magnitude - Minimum", "data_species_regions",             "population_trend_magnitude_min",                 "6 Population",
        "species",          "6.9b",                                                                                                                                "6.9b Short-term trend Magnitude - Maximum", "data_species_regions",             "population_trend_magnitude_max",                 "6 Population",
        "species",          "6.9c",                                                                                                                    "6.9c Short-term trend Magnitude - Confidence interval", "data_species_regions",              "population_trend_magnitude_ci",                 "6 Population",
        "species",          "6.10",                                                                                                                                       "6.10 Short term trend; Method used", "data_species_regions",                    "population_trend_method",                 "6 Population",
        "species",          "6.11",                                                                                                                                             "6.11 Long term trend; Period", "data_species_regions",               "population_trend_long_period",                 "6 Population",
        "species",          "6.12",                                                                                                                                          "6.12 Long term trend; Direction", "data_species_regions",                      "population_trend_long",                 "6 Population",
        "species",          "6.13",                                                                                                                                          "6.13 Long term trend; Magnitude", "data_species_regions",      "whsys_population_trend_long_magnitude",                 "6 Population",
        "species",         "6.13a",                                                                                                                                "6.13a Long-term trend Magnitude - Minimum", "data_species_regions",        "population_trend_long_magnitude_min",                 "6 Population",
        "species",         "6.13b",                                                                                                                                "6.13b Long-term trend Magnitude - Maximum", "data_species_regions",        "population_trend_long_magnitude_max",                 "6 Population",
        "species",         "6.13c",                                                                                                                    "6.13c Long-term trend Magnitude - Confidence Interval", "data_species_regions",         "population_trend_long_magnitude_ci",                 "6 Population",
        "species",          "6.14",                                                                                                                                        "6.14 Long term trend; Method used", "data_species_regions",               "population_trend_long_method",                 "6 Population",
        "species",          "6.15",                                                                                                                                     "6.15 Favourable reference population", "data_species_regions",  "whsys_complementary_favourable_population",                 "6 Population",
        "species",        "6.15a1",                                                                                                                 "6.15a1 Favourable reference population - Population size", "data_species_regions",        "complementary_favourable_population",                 "6 Population",
        "species",        "6.15a2",                                                                                                            "6.15a2 Favourable reference population - Population size unit", "data_species_regions",   "complementary_favourable_population_unit",                 "6 Population",
        "species",         "6.15b",                                                                                                                         "6.15b Favourable reference population - Operator", "data_species_regions",     "complementary_favourable_population_op",                 "6 Population",
        "species",         "6.15c",                                                                                                                          "6.15c Favourable reference population - Unknown", "data_species_regions",      "complementary_favourable_population_x",                 "6 Population",
        "species",         "6.15d",                                                                                                                           "6.15d Favourable reference population - Method", "data_species_regions", "complementary_favourable_population_method",                 "6 Population",
        "species",          "6.16",                                                                                                                     "6.16 Change and reason for change in population size", "data_species_regions",                    "whsys_population_change",                 "6 Population",
        "species",          "6.17",                                                                                                                                              "6.17 Additional information", "data_species_regions",                            "population_info",                 "6 Population",
        "species",           "7.1",                                                                                                                  "7.1 Sufficiency of area and quality of occupied habitat", "data_species_regions",                  "whsys_habitat_sufficiency",    "7 Habitat for the species",
        "species",          "7.1a",                                 "7.1a Sufficiency of area and quality of occupied habitat - Are area and quality of occupied habitat sufficient (for long-term survival)?", "data_species_regions",               "habitat_sufficiency_occupied",    "7 Habitat for the species",
        "species",          "7.1b",        "7.1b Sufficiency of area and quality of occupied habitat - Is there a sufficiently large area of unoccupied habitat of suitable quality (for long-term survival)?", "data_species_regions",             "habitat_sufficiency_unoccupied",    "7 Habitat for the species",
        "species",           "7.2",                                                                                                     "7.2 Sufficiency of area and quality of occupied habitat; Method used", "data_species_regions",                 "habitat_sufficiency_method",    "7 Habitat for the species",
        "species",           "7.3",                                                                                                                                             "7.3 Short term trend; Period", "data_species_regions",                       "habitat_trend_period",    "7 Habitat for the species",
        "species",           "7.4",                                                                                                                                          "7.4 Short term trend; Direction", "data_species_regions",                              "habitat_trend",    "7 Habitat for the species",
        "species",           "7.5",                                                                                                                                        "7.5 Short term trend; Method used", "data_species_regions",                       "habitat_trend_method",    "7 Habitat for the species",
        "species",           "7.6",                                                                                                                                              "7.6 Long term trend; Period", "data_species_regions",                  "habitat_trend_long_period",    "7 Habitat for the species",
        "species",           "7.7",                                                                                                                                           "7.7 Long term trend; Direction", "data_species_regions",                         "habitat_trend_long",    "7 Habitat for the species",
        "species",           "7.8",                                                                                                                                         "7.8 Long term trend; Method used", "data_species_regions",                  "habitat_trend_long_method",    "7 Habitat for the species",
        "species",           "7.9",                                                                                                                                               "7.9 Additional information", "data_species_regions",                               "habitat_info",    "7 Habitat for the species",
        "species",           "8.1",                                                                                                                               "8.1 Characterisation of pressures/ threats", "data_species_regions",                      "whsys_pressure_threat",      "8 Pressures and threats",
        "species",          "8.1p",                                                                                                                                        "8.1 Characterisation of pressures", "data_species_regions",                             "whsys_pressure",      "8 Pressures and threats",
        "species",          "8.1t",                                                                                                                                          "8.1 Characterisation of threats", "data_species_regions",                               "whsys_threat",      "8 Pressures and threats",
        "species",           "8.2",                                                                                                                                               "8.2 Sources of information", "data_species_regions",                           "pressures_source",      "8 Pressures and threats",
        "species",           "8.3",                                                                                                                                               "8.3 Additional information", "data_species_regions",                             "pressures_info",      "8 Pressures and threats",
        "species",           "9.1",                                                                                                                                                   "9.1 Status of measures", "data_species_regions",                             "whsys_measures",      "9 Conservation measures",
        "species",          "9.1a",                                                                                                                                           "9.1 Status of measures; Needed", "data_species_regions",                            "measures_needed",      "9 Conservation measures",
        "species",          "9.1b",                                                                                                                                           "9.1 Status of measures; Status", "data_species_regions",                            "measures_status",      "9 Conservation measures",
        "species",           "9.2",                                                                                                                                   "9.2 Main purpose of the measures taken", "data_species_regions",                           "measures_purpose",      "9 Conservation measures",
        "species",           "9.3",                                                                                                                                       "9.3 Location of the measures taken", "data_species_regions",                          "measures_location",      "9 Conservation measures",
        "species",           "9.4",                                                                                                                                             "9.4 Response to the measures", "data_species_regions",                          "measures_response",      "9 Conservation measures",
        "species",           "9.5",                                                                                                                                   "9.5 List of main conservation measures", "data_species_regions",                 "whsys_conservation_measure",      "9 Conservation measures",
        "species",           "9.6",                                                                                                                                               "9.6 Additional information", "data_species_regions",                              "measures_info",      "9 Conservation measures",
        "species",          "10.1",                                                                                                                                      "10.1 Future prospects of parameters", "data_species_regions",                     "whsys_future_prospects",           "10 Future Prospect",
        "species",         "10.1a",                                                                                                                             "10.1a Future prospects of parameters - Range", "data_species_regions",                               "future_range",           "10 Future Prospect",
        "species",         "10.1b",                                                                                                                        "10.1b Future prospects of parameters - Population", "data_species_regions",                          "future_population",           "10 Future Prospect",
        "species",         "10.1c",                                                                                                            "10.1c Future prospects of parameters - Habitat of the species", "data_species_regions",                             "future_habitat",           "10 Future Prospect",
        "species",          "10.2",                                                                                                                                              "10.2 Additional information", "data_species_regions",                                "future_info",           "10 Future Prospect",
        "species",          "11.1",                                                                                                                                                               "11.1 Range", "data_species_regions",                           "conclusion_range",       "11 Overall conclusions",
        "species",          "11.2",                                                                                                                                                          "11.2 Population", "data_species_regions",                      "conclusion_population",       "11 Overall conclusions",
        "species",          "11.3",                                                                                                                                             "11.3 Habitat for the species", "data_species_regions",                         "conclusion_habitat",       "11 Overall conclusions",
        "species",          "11.4",                                                                                                                                                    "11.4 Future prospects", "data_species_regions",                          "conclusion_future",       "11 Overall conclusions",
        "species",          "11.5",                                                                                                                           "11.5 Overall assessment of Conservation Status", "data_species_regions",                      "conclusion_assessment",       "11 Overall conclusions",
        "species",          "11.6",                                                                                                                                "11.6 Overall trend in Conservation Status", "data_species_regions",                "conclusion_assessment_trend",       "11 Overall conclusions",
        "species",          "11.7",                                                                                  "11.7 Change and reasons for change in conservation status and conservation status trend", "data_species_regions",         "whsys_conclusion_assessment_change",       "11 Overall conclusions",
        "species",         "11.7a",                                                                                                                          "11.7a Overall assessment of conservation status", "data_species_regions",                     "whsys_no_change_status",       "11 Overall conclusions",
        "species",         "11.7b",                                                                                                                               "11.7b Overall trend in conservation status", "data_species_regions",                      "whsys_no_change_trend",       "11 Overall conclusions",
        "species",          "11.8",                                                                                                                                              "11.8 Additional information", "data_species_regions",                            "conclusion_info",       "11 Overall conclusions",
        "species",          "12.1",                                                                                                             "12.1 Population size inside the pSCIs, SCIs and SACs network", "data_species_regions",                "whsys_natura2000_population",              "12 N2K coverage",
        "species",         "12.1a",              "12.1a Population size inside the pSCIs, SCIs and SACs network (on the biogeographical/marine level including all sites where the species is present) - Unit", "data_species_regions",                 "natura2000_population_unit",              "12 N2K coverage",
        "species",         "12.1b",           "12.1b Population size inside the pSCIs, SCIs and SACs network (on the biogeographical/marine level including all sites where the species is present) - Minimum", "data_species_regions",                  "natura2000_population_min",              "12 N2K coverage",
        "species",         "12.1c",           "12.1c Population size inside the pSCIs, SCIs and SACs network (on the biogeographical/marine level including all sites where the species is present) - Maximum", "data_species_regions",                  "natura2000_population_max",              "12 N2K coverage",
        "species",         "12.1d", "12.1d Population size inside the pSCIs, SCIs and SACs network (on the biogeographical/marine level including all sites where the species is present) - Best single value", "data_species_regions",                      "natura2000_population",              "12 N2K coverage",
        "species",          "12.2",                                                                                                                                                    "12.2 Type of estimate", "data_species_regions",        "natura2000_population_estimate_type",              "12 N2K coverage",
        "species",          "12.3",                                                                                                                     "12.3 Population size inside the network; Method used", "data_species_regions",               "natura2000_population_method",              "12 N2K coverage",
        "species",          "12.4",                                                                                               "12.4 Short term trend of the population size within the network; Direction", "data_species_regions",                "natura2000_population_trend",              "12 N2K coverage",
        "species",          "12.5",                                                                                                 "12.5 Short term trend of population size within the network; Method used", "data_species_regions",         "natura2000_population_trend_method",              "12 N2K coverage",
        "species",          "12.6",                                                                                                                                              "12.6 Additional information", "data_species_regions",                            "natura2000_info",              "12 N2K coverage",
        "species",          "13.1",                                                                                                                            "13.1 Justification of 1% threshold for trends", "data_species_regions",                              "justification", "13 Complementary information",
        "species",          "13.2",                                                                                                                                           "13.2 Trans-boundary assessment", "data_species_regions",                   "transboundary_assessment", "13 Complementary information",
        "species",          "13.3",                                                                                                                                          "13.3 Other relevant information", "data_species_regions",                        "other_relevant_info", "13 Complementary information"

# notes_habitat_look_up
notes_habitat_look_up <- tibble::tribble(
                           ~reporting_type, ~reporting_code,                                                                                                                                     ~field_label,         ~entity_table_name,                             ~field_name,                   ~spreadsheet,
                                 "habitat",           "1.1",                                                                                                                               "1.1 Member State",            "data_habitats",                               "country",        "1 General Information",
                                 "habitat",           "1.2",                                                                                                                               "1.2 Habitat code",            "data_habitats",                           "habitatcode",        "1 General Information",
                                 "habitat",           "2.1",                                                                                                                             "2.1 Year or period",            "data_habitats",                     "distribution_date",                       "2 Maps",
                                 "habitat",           "2.2",                                                                                                                           "2.2 Distribution map",            "data_habitats",                      "distribution_map",                       "2 Maps",
                                 "habitat",           "2.3",                                                                                                              "2.3 Distribution map; Method used",            "data_habitats",                   "distribution_method",                       "2 Maps",
                                 "habitat",           "2.4",                                                                                                                            "2.4 Additional maps",            "data_habitats",           "additional_distribution_map",                       "2 Maps",
                                 "habitat",           "3.1",                                                                                    "3.1 Biogeographic or marine region where the habitat occurs", "data_habitattype_regions",                                "region",        "1 General Information",
                                 "habitat",           "3.2",                                                                                                                     "3.2 Sources of information", "data_habitattype_regions",                             "published",                    "3 Sources",
                                 "habitat",           "4.1",                                                                                                                               "4.1 Surface area", "data_habitattype_regions",                    "range_surface_area",                      "4 Range",
                                 "habitat",           "4.2",                                                                                                                   "4.2 Short term trend; Period", "data_habitattype_regions",                    "range_trend_period",                      "4 Range",
                                 "habitat",           "4.3",                                                                                                                "4.3 Short term trend; Direction", "data_habitattype_regions",                           "range_trend",                      "4 Range",
                                 "habitat",           "4.4",                                                                                                                "4.4 Short term trend; Magnitude", "data_habitattype_regions",                     "whsys_range_trend",                      "4 Range",
                                 "habitat",          "4.4a",                                                                                                      "4.4a Short-term trend Magnitude - Minimum", "data_habitattype_regions",             "range_trend_magnitude_min",                      "4 Range",
                                 "habitat",          "4.4b",                                                                                                      "4.4b Short-term trend Magnitude - Maximum", "data_habitattype_regions",             "range_trend_magnitude_max",                      "4 Range",
                                 "habitat",           "4.5",                                                                                                              "4.5 Short term trend; Method used", "data_habitattype_regions",                    "range_trend_method",                      "4 Range",
                                 "habitat",           "4.6",                                                                                                                    "4.6 Long term trend; Period", "data_habitattype_regions",               "range_trend_long_period",                      "4 Range",
                                 "habitat",           "4.7",                                                                                                                 "4.7 Long term trend; Direction", "data_habitattype_regions",                      "range_trend_long",                      "4 Range",
                                 "habitat",           "4.8",                                                                                                                 "4.8 Long term trend; Magnitude", "data_habitattype_regions",                "whsys_range_trend_long",                      "4 Range",
                                 "habitat",          "4.8a",                                                                                                       "4.8a Long-term trend Magnitude - Minimum", "data_habitattype_regions",        "range_trend_long_magnitude_min",                      "4 Range",
                                 "habitat",          "4.8b",                                                                                                       "4.8b Long-term trend Magnitude - Maximum", "data_habitattype_regions",        "range_trend_long_magnitude_max",                      "4 Range",
                                 "habitat",           "4.9",                                                                                                               "4.9 Long term trend; Method used", "data_habitattype_regions",               "range_trend_long_method",                      "4 Range",
                                 "habitat",          "4.10",                                                                                                                "4.10 Favourable reference range", "data_habitattype_regions",  "whsys_complementary_favourable_range",                      "4 Range",
                                 "habitat",         "4.10a",                                                                                                  "4.10a Favourable reference range - Area (km2)", "data_habitattype_regions",        "complementary_favourable_range",                      "4 Range",
                                 "habitat",         "4.10b",                                                                                                    "4.10b Favourable reference range - Operator", "data_habitattype_regions",     "complementary_favourable_range_op",                      "4 Range",
                                 "habitat",         "4.10c",                                                                                                     "4.10c Favourable reference range - Unknown", "data_habitattype_regions",      "complementary_favourable_range_x",                      "4 Range",
                                 "habitat",         "4.10d",                                                                                                      "4.10d Favourable reference range - Method", "data_habitattype_regions", "complementary_favourable_range_method",                      "4 Range",
                                 "habitat",          "4.11",                                                                                     "4.11 Change and reason for change in surface area of range", "data_habitattype_regions",                    "whsys_range_change",                      "4 Range",
                                 "habitat",          "4.12",                                                                                                                    "4.12 Additional information", "data_habitattype_regions",                            "range_info",                      "4 Range",
                                 "habitat",           "5.1",                                                                                                                             "5.1 Year or period", "data_habitattype_regions",                         "coverage_date",    "5 Area covered by habitat",
                                 "habitat",           "5.2",                                                                                                                               "5.2 Surface area", "data_habitattype_regions",           "whsys_coverage_surface_area",    "5 Area covered by habitat",
                                 "habitat",          "5.2a",                                                                                                           "5.2a Surface area (in km2) - Minimum", "data_habitattype_regions",             "coverage_surface_area_min",    "5 Area covered by habitat",
                                 "habitat",          "5.2b",                                                                                                           "5.2b Surface area (in km2) - Maximum", "data_habitattype_regions",             "coverage_surface_area_max",    "5 Area covered by habitat",
                                 "habitat",          "5.2c",                                                                                                 "5.2c Surface area (in km2) - Best single value", "data_habitattype_regions",                 "coverage_surface_area",    "5 Area covered by habitat",
                                 "habitat",           "5.3",                                                                                                                           "5.3 Type of estimate", "data_habitattype_regions",                "coverage_estimate_type",    "5 Area covered by habitat",
                                 "habitat",           "5.4",                                                                                                                  "5.4 Surface area; Method used", "data_habitattype_regions",                       "coverage_method",    "5 Area covered by habitat",
                                 "habitat",           "5.5",                                                                                                                   "5.5 Short term trend; Period", "data_habitattype_regions",                 "coverage_trend_period",    "5 Area covered by habitat",
                                 "habitat",           "5.6",                                                                                                                "5.6 Short term trend; Direction", "data_habitattype_regions",                        "coverage_trend",    "5 Area covered by habitat",
                                 "habitat",           "5.7",                                                                                                                "5.7 Short term trend; Magnitude", "data_habitattype_regions",        "whsys_coverage_trend_magnitude",    "5 Area covered by habitat",
                                 "habitat",          "5.7a",                                                                                                      "5.7a Short-term trend Magnitude - Minimum", "data_habitattype_regions",          "coverage_trend_magnitude_min",    "5 Area covered by habitat",
                                 "habitat",          "5.7b",                                                                                                      "5.7b Short-term trend Magnitude - Maximum", "data_habitattype_regions",          "coverage_trend_magnitude_max",    "5 Area covered by habitat",
                                 "habitat",          "5.7c",                                                                                          "5.7c Short-term trend Magnitude-  Confidence interval", "data_habitattype_regions",           "coverage_trend_magnitude_ci",    "5 Area covered by habitat",
                                 "habitat",           "5.8",                                                                                                              "5.8 Short term trend; Method used", "data_habitattype_regions",                 "coverage_trend_method",    "5 Area covered by habitat",
                                 "habitat",           "5.9",                                                                                                                    "5.9 Long term trend; Period", "data_habitattype_regions",            "coverage_trend_long_period",    "5 Area covered by habitat",
                                 "habitat",          "5.10",                                                                                                                "5.10 Long term trend; Direction", "data_habitattype_regions",                   "coverage_trend_long",    "5 Area covered by habitat",
                                 "habitat",          "5.11",                                                                                                                "5.11 Long term trend; Magnitude", "data_habitattype_regions",   "whsys_coverage_trend_long_magnitude",    "5 Area covered by habitat",
                                 "habitat",         "5.11a",                                                                                                      "5.11a Long-term trend Magnitude - Minimum", "data_habitattype_regions",     "coverage_trend_long_magnitude_min",    "5 Area covered by habitat",
                                 "habitat",         "5.11b",                                                                                                      "5.11b Long-term trend Magnitude - Maximum", "data_habitattype_regions",     "coverage_trend_long_magnitude_max",    "5 Area covered by habitat",
                                 "habitat",         "5.11c",                                                                                          "5.11c Long-term trend Magnitude - Confidence interval", "data_habitattype_regions",      "coverage_trend_long_magnitude_ci",    "5 Area covered by habitat",
                                 "habitat",          "5.12",                                                                                                              "5.12 Long term trend; Method used", "data_habitattype_regions",            "coverage_trend_long_method",    "5 Area covered by habitat",
                                 "habitat",          "5.13",                                                                                                                 "5.13 Favourable reference area", "data_habitattype_regions",   "whsys_complementary_favourable_area",    "5 Area covered by habitat",
                                 "habitat",         "5.13a",                                                                                                   "5.13a Favourable reference area - Area (km2)", "data_habitattype_regions",         "complementary_favourable_area",    "5 Area covered by habitat",
                                 "habitat",         "5.13b",                                                                                                     "5.13b Favourable reference area - Operator", "data_habitattype_regions",      "complementary_favourable_area_op",    "5 Area covered by habitat",
                                 "habitat",         "5.13c",                                                                                                      "5.13c Favourable reference area - Unknown", "data_habitattype_regions",       "complementary_favourable_area_x",    "5 Area covered by habitat",
                                 "habitat",         "5.13d",                                                                                                       "5.13d Favourable reference area - Method", "data_habitattype_regions",  "complementary_favourable_area_method",    "5 Area covered by habitat",
                                 "habitat",          "5.14",                                                                                              "5.14 Change and reason for change in surface area", "data_habitattype_regions",                     "whsys_area_change",    "5 Area covered by habitat",
                                 "habitat",          "5.15",                                                                                                                    "5.15 Additional information", "data_habitattype_regions",                         "coverage_info",    "5 Area covered by habitat",
                                 "habitat",           "6.1",                                                                                                                       "6.1 Condition of habitat", "data_habitattype_regions",                   "whsys_hab_condition",    "6 Structure and functions",
                                 "habitat",         "6.1a1",                                                                            "6.1a1 Condition of habitat - Area in good condition (km2) - Minimum", "data_habitattype_regions",                "hab_condition_good_min",    "6 Structure and functions",
                                 "habitat",         "6.1a2",                                                                            "6.1a2 Condition of habitat - Area in good condition (km2) - Maximum", "data_habitattype_regions",                "hab_condition_good_max",    "6 Structure and functions",
                                 "habitat",         "6.1b1",                                                                        "6.1b1 Condition of habitat - Area in not-good condition (km2) - Minimum", "data_habitattype_regions",             "hab_condition_notgood_min",    "6 Structure and functions",
                                 "habitat",         "6.1b2",                                                                        "6.1b2 Condition of habitat - Area in not-good condition (km2) - Maximum", "data_habitattype_regions",             "hab_condition_notgood_max",    "6 Structure and functions",
                                 "habitat",         "6.1c1",                                                                 "6.1c1 Condition of habitat - Area where condition is not known (km2) - Minimum", "data_habitattype_regions",             "hab_condition_unknown_min",    "6 Structure and functions",
                                 "habitat",         "6.1c2",                                                                 "6.1c2 Condition of habitat - Area where condition is not known (km2) - Maximum", "data_habitattype_regions",             "hab_condition_unknown_max",    "6 Structure and functions",
                                 "habitat",           "6.2",                                                                                                          "6.2 Condition of habitat; Method used", "data_habitattype_regions",                  "hab_condition_method",    "6 Structure and functions",
                                 "habitat",           "6.3",                                                                                 "6.3 Short term trend of habitat area in good condition; Period", "data_habitattype_regions",                  "hab_condition_period",    "6 Structure and functions",
                                 "habitat",           "6.4",                                                                              "6.4 Short term trend of habitat area in good condition; Direction", "data_habitattype_regions",                   "hab_condition_trend",    "6 Structure and functions",
                                 "habitat",           "6.5",                                                                            "6.5 Short term trend of habitat area in good condition; Method used", "data_habitattype_regions",            "hab_condition_trend_method",    "6 Structure and functions",
                                 "habitat",           "6.6",                                                                                                                            "6.6 Typical species", "data_habitattype_regions",                "typical_species_change",    "6 Structure and functions",
                                 "habitat",           "6.7",                                                                                                                "6.7 Typical speces; Method used", "data_habitattype_regions",                "typical_species_method",    "6 Structure and functions",
                                 "habitat",           "6.8",                                                                                                                     "6.8 Additional information", "data_habitattype_regions",                    "hab_condition_info",    "6 Structure and functions",
                                 "habitat",           "7.1",                                                                                                     "7.1 Characterisation of pressures/ threats", "data_habitattype_regions",                 "whsys_pressure_threat",      "7 Pressures and threats",
                                 "habitat",          "7.1p",                                                                                                              "7.1 Characterisation of pressures", "data_habitattype_regions",                        "whsys_pressure",      "7 Pressures and threats",
                                 "habitat",          "7.1t",                                                                                                                "7.1 Characterisation of threats", "data_habitattype_regions",                          "whsys_threat",      "7 Pressures and threats",
                                 "habitat",           "7.2",                                                                                                                     "7.2 Sources of information", "data_habitattype_regions",                      "pressures_source",      "7 Pressures and threats",
                                 "habitat",           "7.3",                                                                                                                     "7.3 Additional information", "data_habitattype_regions",                        "pressures_info",      "7 Pressures and threats",
                                 "habitat",           "8.1",                                                                                                                         "8.1 Status of measures", "data_habitattype_regions",                        "whsys_measures",      "8 Conservation measures",
                                 "habitat",          "8.1a",                                                                                                                 "8.1 Status of measures; Needed", "data_habitattype_regions",                       "measures_needed",      "8 Conservation measures",
                                 "habitat",          "8.1b",                                                                                                                 "8.1 Status of measures; Status", "data_habitattype_regions",                       "measures_status",      "8 Conservation measures",
                                 "habitat",           "8.2",                                                                                                         "8.2 Main purpose of the measures taken", "data_habitattype_regions",                      "measures_purpose",      "8 Conservation measures",
                                 "habitat",           "8.3",                                                                                                             "8.3 Location of the measures taken", "data_habitattype_regions",                     "measures_location",      "8 Conservation measures",
                                 "habitat",           "8.4",                                                                                                                   "8.4 Response to the measures", "data_habitattype_regions",                     "measures_response",      "8 Conservation measures",
                                 "habitat",           "8.5",                                                                                                         "8.5 List of main conservation measures", "data_habitattype_regions",            "whsys_conservation_measure",      "8 Conservation measures",
                                 "habitat",           "8.6",                                                                                                                     "8.6 Additional information", "data_habitattype_regions",                         "measures_info",      "8 Conservation measures",
                                 "habitat",           "9.1",                                                                                                             "9.1 Future prospects of parameters", "data_habitattype_regions",                "whsys_future_prospects",           "9 Future Prospects",
                                 "habitat",          "9.1a",                                                                                                    "9.1a Future prospects of parameters - Range", "data_habitattype_regions",                          "future_range",           "9 Future Prospects",
                                 "habitat",          "9.1b",                                                                                                     "9.1b Future prospects of parameters - Area", "data_habitattype_regions",                           "future_area",           "9 Future Prospects",
                                 "habitat",          "9.1c",                                                                                  "9.1c Future prospects of parameters - Structure and functions", "data_habitattype_regions",                      "future_structure",           "9 Future Prospects",
                                 "habitat",           "9.2",                                                                                                                     "9.2 Additional information", "data_habitattype_regions",                           "future_info",           "9 Future Prospects",
                                 "habitat",          "10.1",                                                                                                                                     "10.1 Range", "data_habitattype_regions",                      "conclusion_range",       "10 Overall conclusions",
                                 "habitat",          "10.2",                                                                                                                                      "10.2 Area", "data_habitattype_regions",                       "conclusion_area",       "10 Overall conclusions",
                                 "habitat",          "10.3",                                                                                                          "10.3 Specific structure and functions", "data_habitattype_regions",                  "conclusion_structure",       "10 Overall conclusions",
                                 "habitat",          "10.4",                                                                                                                          "10.4 Future prospects", "data_habitattype_regions",                     "conclusion_future",       "10 Overall conclusions",
                                 "habitat",          "10.5",                                                                                                 "10.5 Overall assessment of Conservation Status", "data_habitattype_regions",                 "conclusion_assessment",       "10 Overall conclusions",
                                 "habitat",          "10.6",                                                                                                       "10.6 Overal trend in Conservation Status", "data_habitattype_regions",           "conclusion_assessment_trend",       "10 Overall conclusions",
                                 "habitat",          "10.7",                                                       "10.7 Change and reasons for change in conservation status and conservation status trends", "data_habitattype_regions",    "whsys_conclusion_assessment_change",       "10 Overall conclusions",
                                 "habitat",         "10.7a",                                                                                                "10.7a Overall assessment of conservation status", "data_habitattype_regions",                "whsys_no_change_status",       "10 Overall conclusions",
                                 "habitat",         "10.7b",                                                                                                     "10.7b Overall trend in conservation status", "data_habitattype_regions",                 "whsys_no_change_trend",       "10 Overall conclusions",
                                 "habitat",          "10.8",                                                                                                                    "10.8 Additional information", "data_habitattype_regions",                       "conclusion_info",       "10 Overall conclusions",
                                 "habitat",          "11.1",                                                                  "11.1 Surface area of the habitat type inside the pSCIs, SCIs and SACs network", "data_habitattype_regions",                 "whsys_natura2000_area",              "11 N2K coverage",
                                 "habitat",         "11.1a",           "11.1a Surface area of the habitat type inside the pSCIs, SCIs and SACs network (in km2 in biogeographical/ marine region)  - Minimum", "data_habitattype_regions",                   "natura2000_area_min",              "11 N2K coverage",
                                 "habitat",         "11.1b",           "11.1b Surface area of the habitat type inside the pSCIs, SCIs and SACs network (in km2 in biogeographical/ marine region)  - Maximum", "data_habitattype_regions",                   "natura2000_area_max",              "11 N2K coverage",
                                 "habitat",         "11.1c", "11.1c Surface area of the habitat type inside the pSCIs, SCIs and SACs network (in km2 in biogeographical/ marine region)  - Best single value", "data_habitattype_regions",                       "natura2000_area",              "11 N2K coverage",
                                 "habitat",          "11.2",                                                                                                                          "11.2 Type of estimate", "data_habitattype_regions",         "natura2000_area_estimate_type",              "11 N2K coverage",
                                 "habitat",          "11.3",                                                                          "11.3 Surface area of the habitat type inside the network; Method used", "data_habitattype_regions",                "natura2000_area_method",              "11 N2K coverage",
                                 "habitat",          "11.4",                                                          "11.4 Short term trend of habitat area in good condition within the network; Direction", "data_habitattype_regions",                 "natura2000_area_trend",              "11 N2K coverage",
                                 "habitat",          "11.5",                                                        "11.5 Short term trend of habitat area in good condition within the network; Method used", "data_habitattype_regions",          "natura2000_area_trend_method",              "11 N2K coverage",
                                 "habitat",          "11.6",                                                                                                                    "11.6 Additional information", "data_habitattype_regions",                       "natura2000_info",              "11 N2K coverage",
                                 "habitat",          "12.1",                                                                                                  "12.1 Justification of 1% threshold for trends", "data_habitattype_regions",                         "justification", "12 Complementary information",
                                 "habitat",          "12.2",                                                                                                                "12.2 Other relevant information", "data_habitattype_regions",                   "other_relevant_info", "12 Complementary information"

# information_species_look_up
information_species_look_up <- readxl::read_excel("./Range mapping/Lookups/species_lookup_tables_2019.xlsx") %>%

# information_habitat_look_up
information_habitat_look_up <- readxl::read_excel("./Range mapping/Lookups/habitat_lookup_tables_2019.xlsx") %>%
jncc/article17 documentation built on Oct. 11, 2019, 6:15 a.m.