
#' Constant
#' A constant value. It can be a scalar, vector, matrix, or tensor of floating
#' point numbers that cannot be modified.  A Constant is a Variable and
#' therefore inherits all its methods.
#' ****** Properties: ******
#' value
#' @param value
#' @param shape - list of ints representing tensor shape
#' @param dtype - data type to be used ("float32", "float64", or "auto")
#' @param device - instance of DeviceDescriptor
#' @param name
#' @export
Constant <- function(value = NULL, shape = NULL, dtype = 'float32',
					 device = NULL, name = '') {
		value = value,
		shape = shape,
		dtype = type_map(dtype),
		device = device,
		name = name

#' Parameter
#' A trainable parameter. It can be a scalar, vector, matrix, or tensor of
#' floating point numbers that can be modified by a training procedure.
#' ****** Properties: ******
#' value
#' @param value
#' @param shape - list of ints representing tensor shape
#' @param dtype - data type to be used ("float32", "float64", or "auto")
#' @param device - instance of DeviceDescriptor
#' @param name
#' @export
Parameter <- function(value = NULL, shape = NULL, dtype = 'float32',
					  device = NULL, name = '') {
		value = value,
		shape = shape,
		dtype = type_map(dtype),
		device = device,
		name = name

#' Record
#' Easy construction of a record (=immutable singleton class) from keyword
#' arguments.
#' ****** Associated Functions: ******
#' updated_record_with
#' @param ... named arguments to turn into record numbers
#' @export
Record <- function(...) {

#' Updated Record With
#' Create a new Record from an existing one with members modified or added.
#' @param record - the Record instance to be updated
#' @param ... named arguments to turn into record numbers
#' @export
updated_record_with <- function(record, ...) {
	record$updated_with(record, ...)

#' Variable
#' Denotes a symbolic entity corresponding to the inputs and outputs of a
#' Function.
#' @param shape - list of ints representing tensor shape
#' @param dtype - data type to be used ("float32", "float64", or "auto")
#' @param needs_gradient
#' @param is_sparse
#' @param dynamic_axes
#' @param name
#' @export
Variable <- function(shape = NULL, dtype = 'auto', needs_gradient = FALSE,
					 is_sparse = FALSE,
					 dynamic_axes = rep(c(get_default_batch_axis()), 2),
					 name = '') {
		shape = shape,
		dtype = type_map(dtype),
		needs_gradient = needs_gradient,
		is_sparse = is_sparse,
		dynamic_axes = dynamic_axes,
		name = name

#' Variable Mixin
#' Standard properties for Variable and its derived classes Parameter and
#' Constant.
#' ****** Properties: ******
#' dtype
#' dynamic_axes
#' is_constant
#' is_input
#' is_output
#' is_parameter
#' is_placeholder
#' is_sparse
#' name
#' needs_gradient
#' owner
#' shape
#' uid
#' @export
VariableMixin <- function() {
joeddav/CNTK-R documentation built on May 6, 2019, 7:28 a.m.