Man pages for joereinhardt/BayesianFirstAid-Wilcoxon
A Bayesian Alternative to the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test

bayes.wilcox.testBayesian First Aid Alternative to the Wilcoxon Rank Test
diagnostics.bayes_paired_wilcox_testPlots and prints diagnostics regarding the convergence of the...
diagnostics.bayes_two_sample_wilcox_testPlots and prints diagnostics regarding the convergence of the...
model.code.bayes_paired_wilcox_testPrints code that replicates the model you just ran.
model.code.bayes_two_sample_wilcox_testPrints code that replicates the model you just ran.
joereinhardt/BayesianFirstAid-Wilcoxon documentation built on May 10, 2019, 10:02 a.m.