
AU_query_prototype <- 
/* Count active users */
select flash_report_category, count (distinct ufc.user_id) 
from user_flash_cat ufc
join session_duration_fact sdf
on sdf.user_id=ufc.user_id
where sdf.date_id>=min_date_xyz
	and sdf.date_id<=max_date_xyz
	and sdf.category='Default'
group by ufc.flash_report_category
order by ufc.flash_report_category
pa_query_prototype <- 
/* Count platform actions */
select pfc.flash_report_category as pa_cat
	, ufc.flash_report_category as user_cat
	, count (distinct
from user_platform_action_facts upaf
left join pa_flash_cat pfc
	on pfc.platform_action=upaf.platform_action
left join user_flash_cat ufc
	on ufc.user_id=upaf.user_id
where upaf.date_id>=min_date_xyz
	and upaf.date_id<=max_date_xyz
group by pfc.flash_report_category, ufc.flash_report_category
order by ufc.flash_report_category, pfc.flash_report_category 
notification_query_prototype <-
/* Count Notifications */
select ufc.flash_report_category as user_cat
	, nd.status
	, count (distinct
from notification_event_facts nef
left join user_flash_cat ufc
	on ufc.user_id=nef.user_id
left join notification_dimensions nd
  on = nef.notification_id
where nef.date_id>=min_date_xyz
	and nef.date_id<=max_date_xyz
group by ufc.flash_report_category, nd.status
order by ufc.flash_report_category, nd.status

AU_custom_user_query_prototype <- 
/* Count active users */
WITH user_group AS (
select xyz_user_group_name_xyz AS flash_report_category
        , count (distinct sdf.user_id) 
from session_duration_fact sdf
where sdf.date_id>=min_date_xyz
	and sdf.date_id<=max_date_xyz
	and sdf.category='Default'
        and sdf.user_id IN (SELECT DISTINCT user_id FROM user_group)
pa_custom_user_query_prototype <- 
/* Count platform actions */
WITH user_group AS (
select pfc.flash_report_category as pa_cat
	, xyz_user_group_name_xyz as user_cat
	, count (distinct
from user_platform_action_facts upaf
left join pa_flash_cat pfc
	on pfc.platform_action=upaf.platform_action
where upaf.date_id>=min_date_xyz
	and upaf.date_id<=max_date_xyz
        and upaf.user_id IN (SELECT DISTINCT user_id FROM user_group)
group by pfc.flash_report_category
notification_custom_user_query_prototype <-
/* Count Notifications */
WITH user_group AS (
select xyz_user_group_name_xyz as user_cat
	, nd.status
	, count (distinct
from notification_event_facts nef
left join notification_dimensions nd
  on = nef.notification_id
where nef.date_id>=min_date_xyz
	and nef.date_id<=max_date_xyz
        and nef.user_id IN (SELECT DISTINCT user_id FROM user_group)
group by nd.status
order by nd.status
query_prototype_list <- list(
  auPrototype = AU_query_prototype
  , paPrototype = pa_query_prototype
  , notificationsPrototype = notification_query_prototype
  , auCustomPrototype = AU_custom_user_query_prototype
  , paCustomPrototype = pa_custom_user_query_prototype
  , notificationsCustomPrototype = notification_custom_user_query_prototype

devtools::use_data(query_prototype_list, overwrite = T)
johnchower/flashreport documentation built on May 19, 2019, 3:03 p.m.