Contributing to rockthemes

This outlines how to propose a change to rockthemes.

Submitting a palette

If you want to suggest a palette, please start a new discussion first. I want to keep the number of palettes reasonably manageable, so it might need to be a case of one in, one out.

It would be good if you could link to the cover or already have a draft 4 and 10 colour palette so we can see how the palettes look.

Metal albums tend to go heavy on black, red and white colour scales which don't really appeal, so try to avoid those.

If all is good, then file an issue with the artist, album title and a link to the album cover.

Pull request process

I use canva's online tool, but you are welcome to choose whatever else works for you.

There is a minimal test in the tests/testthat folder Add your palette to that (just copy / paste an existing line and amend to your new palette name). Rerun the tests to ensure it passes (this will pick up errors where a palette is added but not added to the function params)

## Update readme (optional)

It's helpful, but not necessary, if you can update the readme, keeping things in alphabetical order where possible (it's tempting to add new palettes to the bottom of each section but this gets confusing very quickly). The readme is rendered via github actions.

Code style

Code of Conduct

Please note that the rockthemes project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project you agree to abide by its terms.

johnmackintosh/rockthemes documentation built on Jan. 16, 2024, 5:05 a.m.