
roc <- rd_roclet()

test_that("template_find finds files with .r and .R extension, and fails to find missing files", {
  my.tempdir <- "."
  my.mandir <- file.path(my.tempdir, "man-roxygen")
  my.ucase <- file.path(my.mandir, "UCase.R")
  my.regex <- file.path(my.mandir, "reg.ex.R")
  my.lcase <- file.path(my.mandir, "lcase.r")

  expect_equal(template_find(my.tempdir, "UCase"), my.ucase)
  expect_error(template_find(my.tempdir, "Case"))
  expect_error(template_find(my.tempdir, "UCas"))
  expect_equal(template_find(my.tempdir, "reg.ex"), my.regex)
  expect_error(template_find(my.tempdir, "reggex"))
  expect_error(template_find(my.tempdir, "nada"))

  # On case-insentive file systems, will find upper case version first
  expect_equal(tolower(template_find(my.tempdir, "lcase")), tolower(my.lcase))

test_that("templates replace variables with their values", {
  out <- roc_proc_text(roc, "
    #' @template values
    #' @templateVar x a
    #' @templateVar y b
    #' @templateVar z c
    x <- 10")[[1]]

  expect_equal(get_tag(out, "title")$values, "a")
  expect_equal(get_tag(out, "param")$values, c(b = "c"))
johnmchambers/roxygen2 documentation built on May 19, 2019, 5:16 p.m.