txVis - Treatment visualization

An R package for the visualization of patient treatment data. Treatment vary with time and across patients. Visualization tools in R provide the opportunity to perform exploratory data analysis, combine or split treatment groups, or improve hypothesis generation.

Clean and interactive visualizations add value to research, and the txVis platform, with R, provides the ability to generate reproducible analytic workflows to improve patient outcomes.



txVis can be easily installed from GitHub:


Some of the plotting tools require installation of secondary packages not currently available from the CRAN network and may require additional installations.

Basic Usage

To use TxVis a user must first create a data object. Once the object is generated it is relatively simple to create clear & beautiful data visualizations for treatment patterns:

hlth_data <- create_txVis(patient   = treat$patient, 
                         treatment = treat$treatment,
                         start     = treat$start,
                         end       = treat$end,
                         date_format = "%B %d, %Y")


Bug Reports & Feature Requests

Please use the issue tracker to report any bugs or file feature requests.


We welcome contributions from the community. Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.

To contribute to this project please clone and provide pull requests:

git clone

johnwilsonICON/txvis documentation built on May 19, 2019, 5:18 p.m.