Man pages for jokergoo/InteractiveComplexHeatmap
Make Interactive Complex Heatmaps

all_column_indicesGet all column indicies from the selected data frame
all_row_indicesGet all row indicies from the selected data frame
getPositionFromBrushGet the position of the brushed area on the heatmap image
getPositionFromClickGet the position of clicked point on the heatmap image
getPositionFromDblclickGet the position of double clicked point on the heatmap image
getPositionFromHoverGet the position of hovered point on the heatmap image
HeatmapInfoOutputUI for the output
htPositionsOnDeviceGet heatmap positions on the graphics device
ht_shinyInteractive heatmaps as a Shiny app
htShinyInteractive heatmaps as a Shiny app
htShinyExampleExamples of interactive complex heatmaps
interactivateGeneric function for interactivate an object in an...
interactivateDensity2DInteractive Shiny application for 2D density distribution
interactivate.DESeqDataSetVisualize DESeq2 result in an interactive Shiny app
interactivate.kdeInteractive Shiny application for 2D density distribution
InteractiveComplexHeatmapModalInteractive complex heatmap modal dialog
InteractiveComplexHeatmapOutputUI for the interactive complex heatmaps
InteractiveComplexHeatmapWidgetInteractive complex heatmap widget
is_in_sub_heatmapTest whether it is in sub heatmap
makeInteractiveComplexHeatmapProcess heatmaps on the sever side
originalHeatmapOutputUI for the original heatmap
rand_matA random matrix
record_observationRecord the observation object
selectAreaSelect an area in the heatmap
selectPositionSelect a position in the heatmap
subHeatmapOutputUI for the sub-heatmaps
jokergoo/InteractiveComplexHeatmap documentation built on Feb. 28, 2024, 7:34 p.m.