Man pages for jokergoo/pkgndep
Analyze Dependency Heaviness of R Packages

ALL_BIOC_RELEASESAll Bioconductor releases
all_pkg_stat_snapshotThe complete table of dependency heaviness for all...
check_pkgCheck whether a package is available
child_dependencyGet child dependency for a package
co_heavinessCo-heaviness for pairs of parent packages
dependency_databaseDatabase of package dependency heaviness of all R packages
dependency_heatmapMake the dependency heatmap
dependency_reportHTML report for package dependency heaviness analysis
dependency_websiteDatabase of package dependency heaviness of all R packages
downstream_dependencyGet downstream dependency for a package
get_all_functions_imported_to_childrenGet functions that are imported to its child packages
gini_indexGini index
heavinessHeaviness from parent packages
heaviness_databaseDatabase of package dependency heaviness of all R packages
heaviness_from_upstreamHeaviness from all upstream packages
heaviness_on_childrenHeaviness on all child packages
heaviness_on_downstreamHeaviness on all downstream packages
heaviness_reportHTML report for package dependency heaviness analysis
is_parentTest the parent-child relationship
is_upstreamTest upstream-downstream relationship
load_all_pkg_depLoad dependency analysis results of all packages
loaded_packagesLoaded packages
load_from_heaviness_dbLoad pre-computed objects
load_heaviness_timelineLoad heaviness statistics at all time points
load_pkg_dbLoad package database
load_pkg_descriptionLoad DESCRIPTION files of all packages
load_pkg_downstream_dependency_path_snapshotLoad downstream dependency paths for all packages
load_pkg_namespaceLoad NAMESPACE files of all packages
load_pkg_stat_snapshotLoad all package dependency statistics
parent_dependencyGet parent dependency for a package
pkgndepPackage dependency analysis
pkgndep_optGlobal parameters for pkgndep
plot.pkgndepMake the dependency heatmap
print.pkgndepPrint method
reformat_dbFormat the package database
required_dependency_packagesRequired dependency packages
upstream_dependencyGet upstream dependency for a package
jokergoo/pkgndep documentation built on Aug. 15, 2023, 4:13 a.m.