
Defines functions costfun autopal

Documented in autopal

#' Optimize color palette for color vision deficiency
#' This function adapts color palettes to color vision deficiency (CVD) by
#' optimizing the CVD severity to try reach a target color difference (DIN99d
#' \eqn{\delta E}) of the user's choosing. Basically, it will choose a color
#' palette that is as close as possible to the target \eqn{\delta E} by
#' tweaking the CVD severity option in \code{\link{qualpal}}.
#' The rationale for this function is that when there are few colors in a color
#' palette, there is no cost involved in adapting colors to CVD -- the colors
#' will still remain distinct. As more an more colors are added to the palette,
#' however, adapting the color palette to CVD will eventually lead to colors
#' that are too similar. This function gradually loosens the adaptation to CVDs
#' by lowering the severity of CVD to simulate to before picking colors (the
#' \code{cvd_severity} argument in \code{\link{qualpal}})
#' @param n Number of colors to generate.
#' @param colorspace Either 1) a list of three named numeric vectors: \code{h}
#'   (hue), \code{s} (saturation), and \code{l} (lightness), all of length 2
#'   specifying a min and max value for the range. The values has to be in the
#'   range -360 to 360 for \code{h}, and 0 to 1 for \code{s} and \code{l} 2), or
#'   2) a \emph{character vector} specifying one of the predefined color spaces
#'   (see below).
#' @param cvd Color vision deficiency adaptation to adapt the color palette to.
#' @param target Target color difference.
#' @inherit qualpal return
#' @export
#' @examples
#' pal <- autopal(3, cvd = "protan", target = 15)
#' plot(pal)
autopal <- function(n,
                    colorspace = "pretty",
                    cvd = c("protan", "deutan", "tritan"),
                    target = 20) {

  # Run the optimizer
  fit <- stats::optimize(
    target = target, n = n,
    colorspace = colorspace,
    cvd = match.arg(cvd), lower = 0, upper = 1

  # Generate a new qualpal with the optimized cvd_severity value
    n = n, colorspace = colorspace, cvd = match.arg(cvd),
    cvd_severity = fit$minimum

# Set up a cost function --------------------------------------------------

costfun <- function(x, target, n, colorspace, cvd) {
  fit <- qualpal(n, colorspace = colorspace, cvd = cvd, cvd_severity = x)

  # Return cost
  (fit$min_de_DIN99d - target)^2
jolars/qualpalr documentation built on Sept. 16, 2024, 7:19 p.m.