
SIGAPS papers' ranks


The SIGAPS score calculation is simple : Score SIGAPS = Paper Rank X Author Rank

The Author Rank is easy and free to get : simply check the rank in the Pubmed entry. Hovewer, the Paper Rank is not freely accessible : it depends of the impact factor of a given year, the discipline of the paper and calculation that involve all the papers. Neither the impact factor and the SIGAPS paper rank are open access then it would be not legal to provide these datas in this package.

Import the Paper Rank

The paper rank are available for people who's carreers depends on this score (e.g. medical researchers). In order to import the paper rank data base in this package, follow these steps :

  1. Sign-in in your institutionnal SIGAPS portal. For example, if you are working in Strasbourg, the url is
  2. On the top menu, choose Sigaps -> Documentation
  3. Click on the link Accès à la classification des revues
  4. In Type de recherche, choose Par discipline
  5. Select all the disciplines (click on the first, then maintain the shift key and click on the last)
  6. Click on Rechercher. The process will take a while (there is more than 7000 publications)
  7. Save the HTML file on your computer
  8. Import the file with the button above

jomuller/rigaps documentation built on May 29, 2019, 12:39 p.m.